Thex Dagger on Mischeif?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Ronzark, May 29, 2021.

  1. Ronzark Augur

    As the title says... is this quest in? I went to HHK and waited for him for about 10 minutes, didn't see a spawn. It's supposed to be in for a few weeks on a normal server.... have they removed items like this completely? Do items like Manastone drop for a few weeks?
  2. Catalina Journeyman

  3. Captain Video Augur

    The dagger is no longer dropped. It can be purchased from the rare item merchant (Marcia somebody) on a Live server, but she isn't in Classic. Same thing with Manastone. Certain items that were taken out of the game in the Classic era for balance issues won't magically re-appear on a TLP, for the same reason (unless there's a bug, and on the random loot servers, who knows :)).
  4. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.

    EDIT: The Quest to obtain this item was removed in the spring of 2000, so it has been gone a very long time indeed on official EQ servers.

    Many items (or the quests to obtain them) were removed from the game over the years, and a few of those were later made available as "special items" from a special npc in the Call of the Forsaken Expansion.

    Looking up the Thex Dagger on ZAM this is what appears to have happened to this item so it will not be available in classic.

    Thex Dagger :: Items :: EverQuest :: ZAM (
  5. c313 Augur

    Where exactly is that information from where items like thex and manastones are supposed to be dropping for a few weeks?
  6. Kylo Classic Augur

    Says who? Did you confuse the real EQ with some em ula tor?
  7. Wyre Wintermute I'm just a butterly dreaming I'm a man

    Lots of people replying here.... not fully understanding what's going on or being asked.

    TLP's have grace periods where removed items can be obtained. However, this does not include all items. The Manastone, for instance, was never returned to be obtainable on TLP's. The Guise of the Deciever is obtainable for several weeks into Kunark, I believe. Other items like Pre-nerf CoS are available.

    It may have been that the Thex dagger was available on previous TLP's and it was decided that it would no longer be an option. Really, only the development team can confirm or deny this.
  8. Captain Video Augur

    The people who have played on previous TLP cycles can confirm or deny this. I gave the correct answer above.
  9. TheDohn Augur

    It's not supposed to be, but neither is kunark dragon loot.
  10. Kylo Classic Augur

    Much you reach so hard?
  11. Kylo Classic Augur

    Doesn't drop, has never dropped, will never drop. There, does that answer your question?
  12. Wyre Wintermute I'm just a butterly dreaming I'm a man

    Seeing as I didn't ask a question.... No.
  13. FrodeEQ Journeyman

    I have seen someone with a Thex Dagger on Mischief.
  14. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.

  15. HighElfPlayer Journeyman

    Why is a 4/24 dagger overpowered? or is it the SV Disease?
  16. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.

    I may well be misremembering this but I think it was removed as they tried to fix the quest it is a reward for completing a few times but it kept breaking. The high 50 vs Dis may well have been a contibuting factor in it's removal though.
  17. Captain Video Augur

    This. In addition, the quest script was broken in such a way that any class that could bind could do it easily, but anyone else, fuggeddaboutit. Devs unsuccessfully attempted to fix the script, so the whole thing was removed.
  18. Nowayout New Member

    Most likely these are P99 people as Thex dagger was live on those servers. Never been on TLP's from my experience though.