What to play as while waiting on BST?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Arctodus, May 9, 2021.

  1. Arctodus Elder

    Well its me your favorite Bear. With my posting habits its all about the BST. Anyways I am moving to the new TLP and wanted to try something different. I have played ENC, SK, Sha, Monk, and BST to end game. I was thinking about rolling another monk to swap the gear over when BST arrive but maybe it is time to try something else. Any recommendations?

    I plan to only play 1 box and go straight BST when I can. Also, main wutever TBD / BST in Luclin looking for a home DZ EST guild 7/8 pm start times. Willing to fill a roll possibly while awaiting BST.
  2. code-zero Augur

    To be frank I'd skip the early drama and queue times and just wait until Luclin releases.
    andross77 likes this.
  3. Arctodus Elder

    That is a good point but everything get's so expensive in later expansions. Really I guess the character at launch would be to farm for the BST prior.
  4. Ranger1985 New Member

    Monk then trade all your gear to the bst since they use mostly the same stuff
    Zanarnar, code-zero and andross77 like this.
  5. Yogi the Bear I have flea's

    I am in the same dilemma, I think I want to try out something new this time.
  6. code-zero Augur

    Hmm, I'd probably create a trader character for the tunnel and just buy and sell and perhaps do some tradeskills to generate income.
  7. Laronk Augur

    Play something that you think is fun or have a second account and pick a class that compliments Beastlords like a druid (then you can pl yourself as well). As a druid you can port people around or do some low level powerleveling or what ever, you can solo well and group.

    Don't listen to the people that say wait 5 or what ever months till luclin, you want to be part of the community and make friends!
    Xanathol and Yogi the Bear like this.
  8. WokeCat Augur

    Is this even real life?? I just started on TLP like a week ago and am shocked at how cheap items are compared to P99

    Like I could literally farm halfling guards all night and buy a cloak of flames
  9. Tweakfour17 Augur

    ... What server did you start on last week? Assuming it's Aradune you know a CoF is like a year old? They're in PoP of course classic loot is dirt cheap, everyone and their dog has had access TO naggy every single week since the server opened. You cant do that during classic on a tlp.
  10. Ultrazen Augur

    I'm having a similar dilemma waiting on lizard monk/necro. Gathering gear on the same armor class is probably not a horrible idea. Druid is a pretty good early toon, can make some money porting, and if you wanted to bother with it would be an excellent power leveler for your BST. I may end up going druid, and then 2 boxing once Kunark opens.

    If you just want a pure farmer, necro is a great class and pretty fun through to BST.
  11. Thewiz Augur

    Necro to farm would do well. But it is a long way to Luclin. Picking a box for your beastlord main would be best.
  12. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    This isn't a bad idea as you can save the gear as you level up and have a leg up as soon as you can create your beastlord.
  13. Ultrazen Augur

    Hard to top this advice, monks are pretty darn great all the way through. Bonus, you get to look like a 70s star for a few expansions.