Daybreak are geniuses.

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Malpheroth, Mar 13, 2021.

  1. Malpheroth Elder

    It really wouldn't be so confusing if you read what I wrote. It's not THIS or THAT, it is both. Paladins don't need a healer to solo content it would take 10 zerkers or 20 wizards or 100 clerics to do, but then give them a healer and now their power is multiplied.
    This game's ability and damage calculations are so confusing I don't think I can simply state "knights get better stats on their equipment, look no further than how the sk/pal 2 hander has 100+ base damage over the best cov zerker weapon," because you would miss things like how their killing spree procs the largest non-burn damage buff in the game. The ability to tank and riposte with a 2 hander doubles their damage, and the fact that they have enough AC/HP to tank multiple mobs multiplies this unlike any other class.
  2. Malpheroth Elder

    If you haven't seen a sk/pal tank 40+ mobs at once in GD you're in for a real treat. Unlike something such as a monk who might be able to tank similarly large numbers in old content, this power continues even into the new expansion.
  3. Nennius Curmudgeon

    Sarcasm/Satire done well is a gift. Keep hoping that Santa will honor you in the future.

    P.S. I have been playing a paladin for more than 20 years and I am still waiting for my dose of awesomeness as you attempt to describe.
    Qimble likes this.
  4. Warpeace Augur

    If only some players knew there were other buttons to push besides auto attack. They might not get their ___ kicked by a Paladin in live content:oops:

    Sounds alot like the Ranger complaining Paladin are OP this expansion beating many DPS classes. Umm ok.
  5. Malpheroth Elder

    It doesn't matter how much damage you do if you're being one-shot by the mobs. If you can't see the power discrepancy between knight classes and wizards in every facet of the game, namely the part where they can solo current content that 10 of another class couldn't then the only thing I am led to believe that you have never played these classes or never grouped with them enough to know how they fair when they aren't grouped with an sk/pal/war in current content.
  6. Malpheroth Elder

    Just because you haven't seen it doesn't mean that it doesn't exist. I'm not sure what to tell you but if you can't tank at least 20 mobs in GD then how are you able to kill even a single named in cov as a paladin?

    It honestly sounds like you haven't even tried it yet. Seriously, go gather 20 mobs in GD and pop all of your defensives as if you were fighting a named in temple of veeshan and see how it goes. You might just surprise yourself.
  7. Warpeace Augur

    So now its completely OP in an old it.
  8. Act of Valor The Newest Member

    Still waiting for parses and evidence.
  9. Sissruukk Rogue One

    No misunderstanding. I was merely pointing out that just because someone is a Paladin or SK doesn't automatically mean that they will carry a group or solo through merc/partisans as you are suggesting. The class design may appear to be OP, but you still have to know how to play it, and there are plenty of people that don't know how to play their Paladin or SK.
  10. Malpheroth Elder

    please refer to
    I'm not sure how this could be misinterpreted as anything besides a supportive argument for the point I'm trying to make. SK/Pal aren't just 10x better than other classes in the current content but they are also one of the best if not second best to having a pet in soloing older content.
    at 3 am EST you're just going to have to continue waiting....
    but I don't archive my logs and the only "logs" I keep are screenshots of raid parses to save myself what would probably have been thousands of gigabytes of data by now.
  11. Malpheroth Elder

    I don't feel like this is an excuse especially because I know people that, with the help of a certain program, can effortlessly automate their entire combat. SK/Pal, for $5 a month, can solo stuff you'd have to put kronos on 10 accounts and years of expertise to do, without even knowing how to play.

    I have 2 different friends who have never met each other and both run triple SK boxes because they 1. can't die and 2. burn hard enough to do any single mission/named.
  12. Maedhros High King

    This just in, tanks can tank, non-tanks struggle to.
    You're absolutely right, when wizards try to tank 40 mobs in Great Divide they tend to die pretty quickly.

    Before this post I didn't know who you were so I forgive you for not knowing who I am, but to say I don't know how other classes fair in current content is quite simply incorrect.
    Note that I said classes, and not individuals.
    If you take an elite player of every class, the balance is pretty good. (though wizards, mages and enchanters could use a boost).
    What I notice on the forums, usually when someone is crying nerf, is that when a poor player encounters a great one, they want to point the fingers at everyone but their self and cry nerf.

    It certainly hurts you argument that you have never once said what class you are, nor what guild you are in.
    I assure you, that if we knew what class you were, we could see dozens of people of your class showing parses of them handily beating SKs and paladins on dps parses in the group game. Aside from clerics anyways.

    The problem here is that you don't know how to play your class and you have encountered some knights who do and for some reason think whatever class you play should be just as good at tanking.

    PS. if you're a warrior and you're posting this nonsense, you are truly pathetic.
    Cadman, Tatanka and Zynt like this.
  13. Biltene Kingslayer

    Did...did Maed just pull the "Don't you know who I am?!" card? :eek:
    Zaray, Maedhros and MasterMagnus like this.
  14. MasterMagnus The Oracle of AllHigh

    What kind of king doesn't ensure his reputation precedes itself, from time to time?

    /em doffs his hat and nods at Maedhros.
    Maedhros likes this.
  15. Cailen Augur

    :rolleyes: :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
  16. Tatanka Joe Schmo

    OK, now it sounds like you're just totally clueless.

    There are two common s/w packages. One costs $5/month, and has NO WAY to automate ANYTHING.

    One is free, and exists mainly for the purpose of automating things.

    Which sounds as uninformed as the rest of your opinions.
  17. Bigstomp Augur

    How are you being killed in one shot?

    First thing to do is check your inventory.
    If all your gear is yellow that means it's prestige and you need to have a gold account to gain stats from it.
    Tsavo likes this.
  18. Fohpo Augur

    Literally no class is being one shot in group content currently, unless they are disgustingly behind in gear/level/AAs, in which case the tank is too.
  19. Sissruukk Rogue One

    I'd certainly like to know who they are, considering they know who I am.
  20. Flatchy Court Jester

    Sign me up for one of those there 5 dollah a month Win buttons!

    Dude you are high.

    First sk/pal was superman then we learn its with a great healer and cheat programs.