Auto Attack Question

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by Viktavius, Feb 20, 2021.

  1. Viktavius New Member

    I haven’t played a melee class in 10+ years, but it thought there was a way to make auto attack start automatically after Kicking or Bashing? Or am I just misremembering. I get it’s just one more button to push, but I’d like to save a hot key if possible. Am I wrong?
  2. Viktavius New Member

    Question is also for TLPs, if that matters.
  3. Zinth Augur

    you click Q and attack stuff... then you have X amount of hotbuttons to do all the other crap

    or you can /assist "insert name here" and it will turn on attack (unless you turn it off)
  4. Rondor Augur

    There is a command /autoskill which lets you do the reverse operation: after initiating melee auto-attack by pressing Q, the /autoskill will periodically launch a skill for you like Kick or Bash or Backstab.

    /autoskill was released on April 19, 2017, so is still relatively new. But maybe it is what you were thinking about.
    Strumph likes this.
  5. Xyroff-cazic. Director of Sarcasm

    ^ /autoskill is likely what you're looking for, however...
    You don't mention which TLP you are playing on, but /autoskill requires you to be level 61+ to use it. So it won't work on Aradune/Rizlona until you reach PoP era.
    Rondor likes this.