Honest question...

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Quasimojo, Feb 16, 2021.

  1. Quasimojo Elder

    Why do people flock to new TLP servers, if they hate the lower levels so much they do everything in their power to fly through them? I mean, if you're already well-established and level 60+ on a TLP, what's the motivation to move?
    Skuz likes this.
  2. AraduneWizard Journeyman

    Krono is 75% and being in the top guild is 25%. The farmers flock there to prey on the people who want to be in the top few guilds and spend krono to get ahead. The other are people who might not be in a good guild now but think if they join the zerg guild on a new server they might be "good" players then.
    minimind likes this.
  3. Zinth Augur

    well I can tell you why I went... I were on Lockjaw when they announced Phinny... instead of giving us AoC's they made a new server with AoC's and pretty much killed off the other two except the few that didn't wanna give up... I liquidated my stuff to kronos on Lockjaw and went to Phinny... Used my kronos for playtime... pretty much didn't "farm" any kronos AT ALL on Phinny... made maybe 10 over the years I played there...

    I went to Phinny because of the AoC's because I KNEW the raiding scene would be a lot more pleasant... and it were... I always HATED the OW stuff (, no respect for first in force and all that...) and I wanted to raid the old stuff I missed on live... my goal was actually JUST to raid Velious and Luclin... I had a small break long into the run and then I stopped completely during Ring of Scale
    There are 1000's of different reasons why people go... Some likes the thrill of being the first and the "best"... what I got out of Phinny was a AWESOME guild that is still going to this day, where Phinny is about to hit live... The best guild I EVER had during all my 20ish years of EQ (started 1999 and had a few breaks here and there)
    Skuz likes this.
  4. topple good idea generator


    I go to each new TLP because I like the fresh start. Starting with absolutely nothing and having to try and kill content with others in the same position is fun. Getting that first mino axe, yak, or pet upgrade feels like a big power boost even though in the grand scheme it isn’t.

    Bumping into and up against other scrubs trying to bash our heads through the content we all know exceedingly well is fun. Making friends and enemies over camps and drops is something I will sign up and wait in line to experience every time a new TLP is released.

    I know that eventually the time required to stay up to snuff to raid due to gear and AA's is going to leave me behind… but until then I’ll have a blast reliving memories and experiences no other game has been able to touch.
    Gremin and Zinth like this.
  5. Quasimojo Elder

    I can relate to this, as it's what I most enjoy - the thriving EQ experience where every little upgrade was important and required some effort and perseverance. The downside with my playstyle is, since I'm not interested in leveling as quickly as possible, the player base typically leaves me in the dust. I've experienced a couple TLP's in their early stages, but I've decided to stick it out on Aradune. It's kind of my own little tribute to Brad, and I'm looking forward to playing later game content. Here's hoping there will still be other players around, when I get there. :)
  6. Kahna Augur

    A lot of times the answer is just life. Life changes, sometimes permanent, sometimes temporary, cause a change in someone's schedule that prevents them from continuing with their current group/guild.server. If the break is long enough, it's usually easier to start over on the next TLP, rather than going back and trying to play catch up.
    topple likes this.
  7. Barder-mangler Augur

    Nostalgia and tunnel ratting, nothing better.
  8. PipotheAFILADOR Journeyman

    Early game everquest is more like DnD where you're just a run of the mill adventurer and loot isnt really that important.

    As the game progresses all the content gets gated behind gear checks/raid keys/flags and becomes more like WoW where it's all about gear you either get raid gear or you might get 1 zone to play in per expansion.

    Were not kids anymore. I feel a lot of us who truly love the game dont have the time to commit to the later expansions and also have no nostalgia for them.

    I reroll a new char in each tlp and quit around luclin/pop and have a great time doing it.
    Bobbybick likes this.
  9. topple good idea generator

    Don't get me wrong, I would love to play up to current content one of these go-a-rounds. I'm hoping they come out with a slightly slower Selos at some point, that exp rate was perfect and if they do something like 2 month unlocks instead of the 1 month, I think that could be the sweet spot.
  10. a_librarian Augur

    You know how every single returning/new player later in a TLP life comes on these boards and asks "is it still possible to find groups to level with"? For the first month or so of a TLP nobody is asking that question they're just sitting through queues to go wait for a Unrest main room group and having a great time because everyone else is doing the same thing.

    Casual players bounce off mature TLPs because being behind sucks. Having to fight for pick up group scraps sucks. Soloing/boxing sucks as far as they're concerned. The simplest and honestly best solution for these players is just wait for the next fresh server.

    So all this demand for fresh a server creates hype which sells lots of bags and draws in on the fence veterans and krono farmers (either professionals or live players who do it to fund their accounts). Somehow this cycle has repeated yearly since Agnarr without totally losing steam. The developer that pitched selling $30 cash sale only bags for these servers has made the company a disgusting amount of money.
    Aegir and Bobbybick like this.
  11. Gremin Augur

    We crave interaction and new servers allow for that. Its the only time imo that a server is at maximum player interaction.
  12. Quasimojo Elder

    If you're an upper level character on a TLP server, isn't that pretty much the same experience?
  13. Zurd Lorekeeper

    Not sure who hates the lower levels. 1999 is successful because a lot of people like to re-experience the nostalgia and enjoy the character building. Not everyone speeds through everything. the Krono Farmers are a factor that sucks but for many of us the game is actually fun. The only other era I found kinda like this was TSS when I kept my new Drak in the expansion and ran all the quests. Felt pretty complete and not just a tack on like so many other expansions.
  14. Quasimojo Elder

    Of course not everyone does it. I don't, myself, but you can't deny the vast majority does.
  15. Xeris Augur

    I made like 60 krono in the first 3 weeks of Aradune & Mangler, respectively... it's literally the dumbest thing. You don't even have to be a complete scumbag to do it... just rush to max level. Made over 10 kronos just on day 2 of the server selling SSOY's to people. I hate the classic grind, but to play on a server for 1 month and make enough krono to fund my accounts for 6 months is a no brainer.
  16. Salte New Member

    Aradune is my first TLP server. How the heck do you grind to max level in a day? Not that I would do it...I am actually enjoying myself. Even though on the next one I think I will enjoy it more due to being more prepared.
  17. Bullsnooze Augur

    You need a speed group. Ideally, 3 players, playing 2 characters each.

    3 mages, Enchanter, Druid, and Cleric
    - All bases covered - Best Heals, Best Buffs, Best DS, only Rez, Caster Damage, Pet Tanks, Charm Pet, Pet Damage, Slows, Mezz, Clarity, Haste, SoW, and ports.
    • Mains play the Enchanter, Druid, and Cleric.
    • Each main boxes a Mage
    • All 6 can run with just basic cloth/leather/bronze to 50. (All droppable).
    • They all can start close to one another if you play Humans (Qeynos/SFG) or Elves (Faydark).
    • Druid and Enchanter can easily pull trains and lock them down between mezz and root.
    • Mages and their pets can run with a 1-button macro
    • Obtaining Clarity trivializes mana regen.
    This group would rocket to 60 in a day no problem.
  18. Quasimojo Elder

    Just rounding up the necessary spells they would need along the way would take me more than a day.
  19. Niskin Clockwork Arguer

    It's likely that a group operating in this manner has it all planned out before the server opens. They know where they will be leveling, what levels they will be in each location and so forth. Each time they move locations they can make a quick stop and get what they need to move forward. They probably buy bags from the DBG store to enable full capability while out exping.

    The Druid really is key here, if there is an important spell they need at a specific level they can send the druid out and get it really quickly. I've never been in one of these groups, but I'd love to be a fly on the wall during the planning session.
  20. Lejaun Augur

    A lot of people flock to new TLPs as they open up because the last one didn't go quite as well as they thought it would. They thought they would be a "top" player, max level, maxed gear, in a top guild. They forget that it takes some time crunching to get there and soon fall behind.

    They then flock to the next new TLP because this is going to be the one where they are a top player, max level, max gear, in a top guild. Rinse and repeat over and over.
    topple and Protagonist like this.