
Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by Smite The Wicked, Feb 6, 2021.

  1. Smite The Wicked New Member

    I'm old school and i'm use to grinding mobs for exp. That doesn't really work at higher levels and i'm not use to all this progression, just getting back in the game last year. I've done a few with guildies but i'm still lost. Where do i begin? which ones are good to start off with? Is there a list somewhere?

    I have a 115 pally that can run my bard and mage through em, i just don't know where to start. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm assuming progression/ha/partisan exc. are a more efficient way of gaining exp and good aa for my 115 then grinding in HS or Lcea.

    I cant tank effectively in cov yet with only 7500 ac and 300k hp, and i don't have access to raid gear. i have the best gear i can get for now.
  2. MyShadower All-natural Intelligence lays it out in a simple to follow way from House of Thule (90 lvl cap) and up.
    Riou likes this.
  3. Derka Power Ranger

    Most tanks start working the heroic AA achievements starting in CotF. You will smash them as a paladin since there is quite a bit of undead. Here is a chart for what achievements give what AA:'s_Special_AAs

    If you're looking to PL your bard and mage to 115 then yes do ToV progression from start to finish. All mercs/partisans and then if you can do the ToV missions for 40% exp for first time achievement per mission. The AAs that come in for your pally will just be gravy.
    Metanis likes this.
  4. Smite The Wicked New Member

    wow ty for those, it will really help!