Looking for advice

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by Newbienoobie, Jan 31, 2021.

  1. Newbienoobie New Member

    Returning to this game after 18 years or something since last played(Shadow of Luclin was newest expansion back than).
    I'm not aiming for serious MMORPG play but mainly just want to revisit places in my nostalgia with limited gameplay that entailed to such a goal.

    I like to ask veterans which class would be best suited for that?
    Is soloing/grouping still a thing to consider? I mean it was major issue back than because game was so radically difficult to soloing compared to other mmorpg so only selected few class can do solo play(like necromancer?).
  2. Ebine Augur

    First of all welcome back.
    You can molo which means you and a merc.
    If your playing for free those mercs can get you up to lvl 60-65 with no issues.
    Once you get over that level best to figure out if you like EQ as much as the old days.
    You can get a sub and do the quest for J5 mercs. The best mercs you can get at this time.
    If you like melee you can could go SK. Pros are you can single pull.
    Con is they are a lot of work getting all the AC augs but once your there its great.
    Mage if you like casters. Out of the box pets tank really well. You can buy augs in
    bazaar to enhance them.
    Of course you can go in the middle and get Rangers or beastlords.
    Good for range killing or pet tank why you melee.

    In my time I have seen all classes solo very well if a player knows how to utilize them correctly.

    Groups are very few and far between until you get high enough.
    If your on live servers now you can multi box accounts on one computer. So you could free to play
    a two accounts and get 2 mercs to join you.

    I think FV is 50% exp over live servers
    Test is dbl exp multiplier plus free to play gets the same advantages as paid.
    Only thing is they can wipe you at anytime. (Which I don't think has ever been done)
  3. Mr Blue Sky Elder

    The Aradune and Rizlona servers are starting the Luclin expansion this Wednesday 3rd.
    So you could jump in there where you left off, and get used to all the game updates new stuff etc..

    You have to pay the monthly sub to play on the time-locked servers, also they have different rulesets. Aradune imo would be best for grouping as a single player.


    Or you could go play on a live server for free and try the merc's out and new expansions/features. Any class can solo with a merc on live up to 60ish fairly easily.
  4. Newbienoobie New Member

    Thanks for reply, Ebine&Mr Blue!

    What is the difference between True Box(Aradune) vs Boxing(Rizlona)?
  5. Mr Blue Sky Elder

    On the Aradune server you can only play 1 account per PC, for a maximum of 2 PC's per person.
    So if you wanted to play 2 of your characters which are on different accounts at the same time, you would need to have another PC/laptop next to you. The true box rule refers to the actual PC as a physical box so only supposed to play on 2 at a time.

    On the Rizlona server you can load up numerous Everquest games on just one PC. And provided you have paid or used a krono for the accounts, can play as many characters together as you like. (there is rules on automated software being used however)
    So you could set up and play your own groups if you wanted to.

    Aradune is better for grouping with other players as many on Rizlona will have their own groups set up themselves.