Tells not going through

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Kinaforum, Dec 11, 2020.

  1. Kinaforum Journeyman

    Often times when talking to someone via tell, the tells will just not go through. I don't get a queued message, i can send the same tell multiple, multiple times, but it doesn't show in my chat log, and the end recipient does not receive anything.

    It appears to be larger tells, the more words the more likely it will fail. And, seems to mainly be associated to when i'm looking to buy stuff in the tunnel.

    Anyone else experience this?
  2. Siny Augur

    tells failing is also one of the signs that the server is about to fail (as AB did again around midnight last night). Other symptoms: friends list/ /who very slow or not showing ppl that are still on. Group chat evenually fails too. In the end the only way to communicate to rest in your group is to do things like /wave as u give up on the night, knowing that the server will start kicking ppl and a rollback is inevitable
  3. Kinaforum Journeyman

    I don't think i've noticed a server crash when this happens, but odds are you are right, lag of some sort and tells getting lost in the wind.