SK's limited to low # of total EPICs, other classes not

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Tarbuk, Sep 30, 2020.

  1. Tarbuk New Member

    With 3 day OW-only spawns, in era 90-day period means only ~30 SK's (if perfectly timed) can get epics. Meanwhile there are classes out there that can get an unlimited amount with the TLP / pick / DZ structure.

    Lhranc is a ~3 day spawn. 10+ SK's here when he is "in-window". You even have people trading 1 copper to players to interrupt / delay others from doing the hand-in. I won't even go into the auto-clickers.

    I am not interested in playing classic. I am interested TLP where things are quicker to obtain because of picks, DZs, and 3 month in era periods. Why can 300+ druids get epics (can obtain items in DZ's/Picks) but SK's are limited to only ~30? Duriek and Lhranc was overlooked and needs to be changed. Marl was changed for this reason - why not these two?
  2. yerm Augur

    Shadowlands October 27th
  3. Lejaun Augur

    Enchanters are in a similar boat and are a much more populated class.
  4. Trox2010 Augur

    Pretty sure wizards would also like a word with you.....
  5. Moranis Augur

    If it makes you feel any better - the druid epic is hot garbage. 9s cast for a ~50dmg/tick dot? Wooo baby. Maybe in the days of early EQ when player power wasn't at 11 it was decent, but nowadays, fuhgetaboutit.
  6. Tarbuk New Member

    I agree with everything above. SK's Wizards and Enchanters all have the same issue. Limited to a fixed # of epics while other classes do not. I've seen other threads regarding this, but have yet to see a dev answer with why this is so. Is it overlooked? or Intended?
  7. Thunndar Journeyman

    Not a single Enchanter epic in our guild and we have cleared everything but VP.

    Only 1 Wizard epic
  8. Maze Elder

    Maybe shift your priorities elsewhere or get more dedicated members?
  9. HoodenShuklak Augur

    Druids get shart on so bad they (all 3 mains on each tlp) should be the ones complaining...
    Moranis likes this.
  10. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.

    Mostly the devlopers are not overly keen to change too much of past expansions, except where they are blocking whole guild's progression and even then they try to make only the minimal changes required that allow what they feel is enough players / guilds to progress at what they consider to be an acceptable pace.

    So most of the reticence / interia on changes stems from that design philosophy, the rest is from sheer lack of resources.

    Right now the whole dev team is focused primarily upon getting the expansion out the door, because that is crucial to revenue for the whole year, once that's done they may have time to look at the isuues that are currently plaguing players on live & TLP servers.

    By all means lobby for changes, just don't hold out much hope for resolutions to them until January 2021 i.e. after the expansion is released & the devs are back from whatever xmas break they can get.
    Bullsnooze likes this.
  11. HoodenShuklak Augur

    Abandon all hope ye who login here.
  12. Kanij New Member

    In the same boat. Need Lhranc, but anywhere between a 48-72 hour spawn and 4 other SKs FD'd in zone waiting to pounce. Its a bit silly for TLPs
  13. sirelothar New Member

    I totally agree with this post and it's hilarious people that actively play on TLP server thing its perfectly fine and "classic" when so many other epics were changed over the years and how many things on TLP servers have changed. Mobs that have such a long respawn on a TLP server really needs to be something that needs to be fixed. The expansions release so fast there shouldn't be any reason at all some epic mobs take 3 to 4 days to respawn.
  14. Xeris Augur

    Got sk epic in era on Agnarr... Before the Marl nerf... Y'all don't even know. I'm fine with the game as is
  15. Bobbybick Only Banned Twice

    RIP never 4get
  16. Tinthalas Tigris New Member

    On that same note with its identical argument, the dramatically extensive wait for respawn of zone keying seems irrelevant, especially as DZes/Agents of Change exist.

    Sure, each fully keyed guild gets the free public service announcement when they kill Phara Dar, and folks get their regen and damage shields from Chardok as a leg up against their competition, but for what true purpose, in the big scheme of things?

    These asymmetric bottlenecks are ridiculous. The lottery exists in the loot table, not the experience...

    Or rather *should* be the element of "fun."

    VP has a lame enough loot table as it is, with some of the true catches of its best dropping at some statistic analysis as uncommon as .01% chance. With even bi weekly instancing, this only allows the probability at ita most optimum of drops to occur at a rate of far less than zero out of 2 under the card with 216 total instances drawn (if there is a retainer for the 13 raiding guilds of VP on Aradune hitting it once a week plus it's bonuses since the zone has been attainable).

    Is anyone complaining about the loot table there? No! That is accepted! But look upon the already proven statistic of OW required mob drops for otherwise underhanded epics.

    I do not believe anyone is complaining about the frequency for the cleric epic, thank Inny, for we all appreciate what it can do, but the selfishness of the wizard epic makes it one of the most self centered, yet ridiculous in its frequency overall, let alone within Era.

    It is bad enough that the zone of PoF has to be broken in just to check on the mob, and that its success relies on an FD AFK Gina click, but it's frequency being so few and far between is just preposterous.
  17. Tarbuk New Member

    I am curious if @Maze has ever posted something that had any substance or value? Don't think the guy understands much - but the issue is not about shifting priorities. TLP is meant for faster progression, yet certain class epic quests are not updated/adjusted for this - plain and simple. OW only spawn / hand-ins should not be a thing in TLPs - at all.
    Lejaun likes this.
  18. Xhartor Augur

    Fear does have "safe" spots that a wizard can bind at and just use those eyeballs to check the broken golem.
  19. Tierdal Augur

    Enjoy classic. Also the epic is hot garbage.
  20. Thunndar Journeyman

    You go sit in Cabilis and Neriak for 36 hours each camp and fight and endless number of players kill stealing. I'm not interested