Overseer Tasks - Finish Now

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Simonsays, Sep 24, 2020.

  1. Simonsays Journeyman

    I VERY rarely fail an overseer task when it runs to completion. I do overseer tasks everyday, and do the full 5 at a time. And I can think of only a couple of times when a task has failed. However, if I use DBG currency for the "Finish Now" option, I seem to fail the tasks more than 50% of the time. This seems completely opposite of what it should be. If I am spending coins to finish the task, it should DECREASE the chance of failure, not increase it. This really needs to be looked at. It was definitely over a 50% failure rate for me when i use currency.
    Hellowhatsyourname likes this.
  2. Tatanka Joe Schmo

    Question: Are these recovery tasks?

    I pre-paid recovery tasks 3 times, all 3 failed. Questioned here on the boards, it was stated as a known issue.

    I have pre-paid maybe 20-30 other tasks, and none of them have failed. All were mostly done, I was just prepaying an hour or so, to get the next bunch kicked off before bedtime.

    Full disclosure: I haven't prepaid any tasks in about 2 months now.
  3. Zamiam Augur

    I agree I never used Overseer that much till recently when i hit 114 and peeps were like use overseer will help you get to 115, so i was like ok i have 500 free dbcash each month that ive saved up so i'll use some to finish quests a bit earlier ( I know i dont have to use the "finish now" button) but in just 2 days ive only paid to finish a hanfull or 2 of quests and ive Failed or Critical Failed 3 or 4 of those out of 10 to 12..
    If im paying money (I know it was free DBC) but you get the point .. the pay here to finish should decrease if not eliminate the risk all together .. especially if your going to get Fails more than you do if you were to just let them run their course..

    I have another account that (never paid for any "Finish Now") i have overseer at T5 quests and have not all agents but most and out of the year ? overseer has been active i think that account has maybe 7 failed quests over that time frame ..
    where as my new toon account who is 114 and doesnt have any rare or elite agents or quests and is still doing lvl 1 or 2 tasks has now 4 failed ones on a "Finish Now" .. something seems wrong DBG ..

    its only my FREE DBC so im not too overly disappointed , but I can imagine someone who spends actual real money to get DBC and ends up failing more often than he/she should ..
  4. Zamiam Augur

    just tried another "finish now" cost 21 DBC and failed .. this failure rate when "finish now" needs to be looked at DB ..

    Also I feel FAILED tasks should not count towards your 10/10 quest count.. if you failed especially paying DBC and failed then it definitely should not count ..

    EDIT: I just did another "finish now" this one was a 24hr quest had 88% success rate and it Failed .. cost me 54 DBC to complete and total failure ..

    DBG comon WTH ..

    LOL thank god im lvl 115 now .. I wont be buying anymore "Finish Now" quests .. i'll still do Overseer but not gonna waste money on it ..

    DB you guys suck sometimes ..just saying
  5. Andarriel Everquest player since 2000

    Last one i did i got a crit success just all in the rng. Just because we use sc doesnt mean its gonna succeed. i only used to finish early because i had 43 mins on mine and wanted to log off. for me the rate is like 75% succeed 25% failed or about.

  6. Diptera Augur

    Just from a lore perspective - if you pay for a rush job, it's almost inevitable that quality is going to decrease ;)
    Yinla likes this.
  7. Hamwaja New Member

    wuahaha.. somebody is really paying for it?
    Around 2 Euro for under a 1% xp increase?
    What a wet dream of every entrepreneur. Never thought that works. Let me think... that means you pay over 200 Euro for a level increase....

    Oh man, thank you for that one. I should change some things in my business model. Never thought about that idea, there are some really creative heads having genious ideas!

    Regardless how old I get, I learn everyday new exciting things!
    Diptera likes this.
  8. Andarriel Everquest player since 2000

    There's alot more than xp for overseer.

  9. Hamwaja New Member

    I know, doing all 5 regularly but never would have paid for it ;)
    And was surprised that this idea really works.