Where are AOE groups formed

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by nodontcarekkthxbye, Sep 25, 2020.

  1. nodontcarekkthxbye Augur

    in Classic, Kunark, Velious, and Luclin? I only remember The Deep in Luclin, and I did some with a guy in Velks, but I think he had some bots with us of higher level.

    Can anyone tell me where I can start, or join an AOE group as a wizard in the aformentioned expansions, and at what level I would need to be to land my AOE spell?

  2. jeskola pheerie

    Well you see, when a female wizard and a male wizard get together...
    Aneuren likes this.
  3. Accipiter Old Timer

    Where does he put his Staff of Elemental Flux?
    jeskola likes this.
  4. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.

    There is a very secret dark cabal of magic practioners that has been around for thousands of years & I'm afraid that without a good standing in either the Illuminati, the Freemasons or one of the more ancient Hermetic orders you will never be in an officially sanctioned AoE group as the knowledge of the correct sacrifices, rites & rituals required to create an AoE group is simply beyond your understanding.

    The real answer of course is if you aren't in one already you could make your own, but you lack the intelligence to do that or you wouldn't be here asking about it, not sure how to help you but I can put you in touch with one Doctor Frankenstein who for a fee could offer you a brain transplant, this would necessitate removing your brain & replacing it with the brain of someone who is much smarter than you, but he is very confident you'd notice the results right away - or at least everyone who knows you would.
  5. Dresden Journeyman

    Kunark - Seb
    Velious - Velks
    Luclin - The Deep
    PoP - The Deep, PoI
    OOW - Walls of Slaughter
  6. jeskola pheerie

    I remember doing AE in fungus grove back in OG luclin, is that now garbage?
  7. Bobbybick Only Banned Twice

    In guildchat, or more specifically, in direct tells to people you know can eat spaghetti without a bib.
  8. Dresden Journeyman

    It can be done, it's just no where near as good as the deep
  9. a_librarian Augur

    FG might be bad because of the unbelievably trash enemy pathing. From a little time I spent in the zone mobs will stop chasing you at the drop of a hat, particularly if they're going through any of the lower tunnels.
  10. nodontcarekkthxbye Augur

    You should find a better outlet for your low self esteem.
  11. nodontcarekkthxbye Augur

    Thanks buddy boy.
  12. TLP Addict Augur

    Chardok library, there is a room in the north where nothing spawns that you can pull to
  13. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.

    You should find your sense of humour.
  14. nodontcarekkthxbye Augur

    Is there anywhere before Seb, and what level for entrance aoe, as a wizard. Meaning, what level do I have to be to land spells effectively . Well actually if anyone could provide what level I need to be to land spells as a wiz at any, or all these places would be great.

    The Deep

  15. Auedar4lyfe New Member

    You have to be within level range to land spells effectively, like any content. I think you are kind of going about this the wrong way, so you are asking the wrong questions.

    You can do an AE group in any zone that has mob density, you just need the right class makeup with the RIGHT SPELLS. Wizards in particular don't have the mana pool or the spells to drop a pull in the early levels, due to just not really having the spells that don't have limits on numbers. You have your rain spells, which work up to 4 targets, but if you are pulling 30+ mobs, you are mostly relying on your Point Blank Area of Effect Spells (PBAoE).

    The issue with AE groups is that you need to keep them stunned constantly. In order to do so, you need to have enchanters of a high enough level to have the proper spells. They get their last "Color" line spell (AE stun) at level 52, and the other major one in their 40s. So realistically if you are not getting PLed, you are getting 1-3 enchanters that are 52+ to do level appropriate AE groups. Most of the time, you don't want resists for the enchanter stun lines, so you want to be over the mobs level, so it's not uncommon to have level 60 enchanters in AE groups. AE groups with active and not boxed enchanters start to show up when AA's come into play around Luclin.

    A lot of lower level AE groups are done with a high level enchanter/druid/bard or other characters, but it doesn't make sense to stun lock them, it's just easier to pull everything and stack damage shields on a high level toon, and your job as the wizard is to just find ANY spell that will deal damage to all of the targets before they die. Again, you want to be in level range so that you can land spells.

    You get your first PBAoE at level 1 as a wizard. Damage shield stacking starts to taper off around the low 40s, and the wizards first solid unlimited AE spell is Supernova at level 45.

    The main limit to getting/starting an AE group is getting enough enchanters. Ideally to be safe you want 3 for higher level content in future expansions. You'd more than likely want to box one yourself, as well as become friends with a few others who would be interested in doing so. These groups RARELY form outside of guild/friend groups before Luclin, so I would advise to start finding a guild or befriending as many enchanters as possible, or both.
  16. ikarinokamii Elder

    as long as you have either 2 and 3 wizards or 3 enchanters and 2 wizards you are GTG for the most part