Mangler - Lhranc / SK epic - City of Mist

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by SaPPeRs, Aug 3, 2019.

  1. SaPPeRs New Member

    Can we get him to spawn in picks at least? The bottleneck here is silly and its a 3 day spawn. And don't give me this … you wanted classic you got it line. No way where there 20+ people lining up for this guy less than 2 months after Kunark dropped. The game has changed and other epics have DZ and such to help. CoM has no DZ and this is needs to be looked at. Spawn him when new pick pops.
  2. Febb Augur

    You wanted classic, you got it.
  3. Xanathol Augur

    Coming from a guy who 'somehow' taunted someone else's Kyrena from spawn to high up in the castle area (thereby keeping them from killing it due to mobs in the way that saw invis aggro'ing anyone trying to get it back) to even get part of the epic, this is rich. Enjoy your line.
  4. SaPPeRs New Member

    Coming from the group that wiped and left the mob up for an hour … lol
    Nickatropolis likes this.
  5. KermittheFroglok Augur

    As soon as people knew the steps for the epic, they probably were lining up. People even use to line up for fabled spawns and drops when they first came out.

    But I definitely get your pain, it would be nice if the Devs could tweak this.
  6. Xhartor Augur

    Soul Leech and Ashborne Drake hide were serious bottlenecks during live. CT was something like a 5 day respawn, and the Ashborne Drake were hidden away on the second floor of hate and rarely pulled.
  7. Duriekbloodpool New Member

  8. Duriekbloodpool New Member

    I would like lhranc to spawn in a pick we dont need a dz coordinating a raid force and popping a pick like clerics and warriors do in chardok is a great fix