Thuliasaur Island Merc: To Whom it May Concern

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Makalicious, Aug 29, 2020.

  1. Makalicious New Member

    Quest giver: Silwat Viltor
    Solo task name: to whom it may concern

    This quest does not complete. When you do the final hail the step updates and hangs without giving credit for the completion. I tried logging and re entering zone. I dropped it and did the whole thing a second time, nothing.
  2. Conq Augur

    I remember two things about this NPC (Silwat Viltor) - the range to speak to him and updates is very small, so I basically stood on top of him. Also, you need to have 90+ skill in Elder Dragon and have your chat window language set to Elder Dragon.
    Andarriel likes this.
  3. Makalicious New Member

    Yes that is him. I did every single other Merc quest in zone and this is the 3rd and final of his chain. The final hail will update the quest and turn all the steps green, but nothing happens after. I did the entire thing over again and same issue. If someone has completed this successfully in the past ~24 hours let me know.
  4. Makalicious New Member

    This is solved, quest finally completed after 3rd attempt. I took off illusion this time, not sure if that had anything to do with it but the reward popped after final hail.