Character transfer account to account, never fixed...

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by Kal Zakkath, Jul 27, 2020.

  1. Kal Zakkath New Member

    Recently i back to eq afther a long breack, i play 4 accounts and i like to transfer chars cause they are high lv and are well equiped. I read in daybrak web page ..."Unfortunately we still don't have an ETA to give at this time. We're likely still a couple of months away, but that is a very rough estimate which is subject to change. We are working on the tech needed to re-enable them, but are a ways out from this solution."..... But also found info in the web, this service didnt work since october or november 2017. My question is: This service will be abailable again or dont think to do something about it? I hope can understand my question cause my english its soo soo. Thx
  2. Tasi New Member

    It will never happen.
  3. CatsPaws No response to your post cause your on ignore

    I don't think they will ever bring it back. Its been gone 3 years if not 4. The door illusion was bugged for 10 years before it was "fixed" as was the "all access days left" before it was "fixed" - but I understand priorities. ;)

    I have moved on, made F2P accounts and pl'd those guys to replace the ones I wanted to transfer.

    Took far less than 3 years, was free to do since I didn't have to pay transfer fees.
  4. Fenthen Living rent free in your headspace

    It's too bad they got rid of the 1 guy that knew SQL Server... =-/
    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.