What are the figures in the Tassel's Tavern painting?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Benito, Jun 17, 2020.

  1. Benito EQ player since 2001.

    What are the figures in the Tassel's Tavern painting?


    The painting will teleport to old North Freeport but it will only work for players that have completed the Human Art Collector achievement. (I tested the teleport on non-flagged alts in housing).
    niente likes this.
  2. Nniki Augur

    Tassels? :p
  3. Prathun Developer

    Tassels playing poker, of course. :)
  4. Nennius Curmudgeon

    Is this intended to be part of a "playing poker" series? If so, perhaps a "Devs. Playing Poker" one.
  5. Benito EQ player since 2001.

    I remain befuddled. :oops:
  6. Fanra https://everquest.fanra.info


    So, yes, it is tassels playing poker. Since the name of the tavern is Tassel's Tavern, it would make sense that it shows tassels playing poker. Of course, why it is called Tassel's Tavern is another question.

    I thought that there might be an NPC named Tassel, but I can't find one. Maybe in an alternate EQ universe, Norrath has a race of Tassels and the tavern with painting crossed over into our Norrath. :confused:
  7. Jumbur Improved Familiar

    Tassels are the next playable race!

    HYPE!!! :D

    Tatanka and Fanra like this.
  8. Zamiam Augur

    there is a NPC named Shania Tassel in west freeport Zam has her listed as a brewing merchant


    what she has to do with Tassel's Tavern i do not know unless she is actually inside it ..
    Maybe she was in the original old N.Freeport before the revamp and when they did revamp they named a tavern after her lol idk
    Fanra likes this.
  9. Braveheart Augur

    Three ropes walk into a casino, quickly the bouncer kicked them out explaining, "no ropes allowed in here."

    Following this 3 more ropes tried to enter, but they overheard the conversation and untwisted one end of their body and twisted themselves into a bowline.

    When they approached the bouncer, he asked questioningly, "say, aren't you ropes?"

    To this the three ropes explained, "no sir, frayed knot."
  10. Nniki Augur

    There's also a Gern Tassel. Sounds like a family business. Tassel's Tavern and the Tassels inside moved from North Freeport to West Freeport in the revamp.




    Gern Tassel says, 'Hail, ______. Business is going well these days. I have a full stock of baked goods and other items for sale. Have a look around!'

    Shania does not respond to hail.
    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.
  11. Buster_Shruggs Augur

    I've seen Rickety Cricket(spelling?) in game; how about a painting of "Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia" hanging out in their pub?
    Nennius likes this.
  12. Jumbur Improved Familiar

    I kinda like they don't flood the game with silly pop-culture-references. taken too far, it breaks immersion.

    I don't want it to end up like WoW...
  13. Buster_Shruggs Augur

    I'm a fan of the show, so I am biased in that respect. I agree though it does break immersion.
    BUT omg :eek: , they even gave him a disheveled, beggar looking outfit/skin... poor Rickety.
  14. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    And some of us don't have a clue what your talking about. :rolleyes:
    Buster_Shruggs likes this.
  15. Buster_Shruggs Augur

    LOL, its a comedy, group of cynical friends, who own a pub... misadventures ensue.
  16. ZenMaster formless, shapeless

    From a distance, they look like puppies.

    Up close, they could also pass as mandrake roots.

  17. Nennius Curmudgeon

    Or perhaps the shriveled, wizened, remains of the desperate to farm krono folks who wait countless hours to play on a particular server instead of accessing a server that is readily available to them. Or the root thing I suppose.
  18. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Thanks, not being in the US we don't always understand some of the references to US TV. :)
  19. MasterMagnus The Oracle of AllHigh

    They are Shocks of Wheat playing cards.

    The Tassels are brewers, and use wheat a great deal. A shock of wheat has tassels at the top.

    It's not the first time a shock of wheat has been anthropomorphized.

    Meet WUShock

    Yes, Wichita State University mascot is a shock of wheat.

    ;) the more you know...
  20. Grove Augur

    Darn, those mangrove roots look like people to me...