Decide what you want guys...

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Xeris, Jun 11, 2020.

  1. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.

    I agree with most of this, they need "enough" overspill to justify new hardware, Aradune is maxed out but not by a significantly large enough number to invest in yet another server being opened, that number may well be different today than it was for Fippy & later for Ragefire as the ownership has changed so have the business determinations that drive those decisions.

    Likely they had a lower threshold for an overspill server for Ragefire then, than they have today for Aradune.
  2. Sikkun Augur

    Outside of making a second server, no one has any proof that the game scales in anyway that “insert more hardware” does anything.

    Just remember without evil “suits” creatives would spend all the money and never deliver products. You can’t do infinite work work 0 resources.
  3. Fixit Journeyman

    Can you guys stop complaining about the guys that are always complaining.
  4. Malachi Augur

    No; you
  5. Ashland New Member

    answer : open the second server let people transfer to it

    you know , like they used to ?

    or refund my money and ill come back when it works on a reasonable level

    not many complaints when business is done right and customers are taken care of
  6. Malachi Augur

    Times have changed. Personnel, management structure, budgets...these all change and the resulting business decisions change with all these factors.

    These days, customer complaints are highly mitigated and can be written off as business expenses.
    I'm sure the numbers have shown these guys for years now that a new TLP server is 100% profitable given they invest an appropriate (read: MINIMAL) amount of resources into them. Something to keep in mind.
    Complaints have to be so much more than complaints for course correction to be made.
  7. Bannshee New Member

    Let's call the new truebox progression server what is really is: It is a lemon, it doesn't work correctly. I'm fairly sure California has some laws about selling products that are lemons, not to mention laws about false advertising. If one server has a queue then all servers must have the same delay to log in otherwise you are selling a defective product.
  8. Bannshee New Member

    I'm on the east coast we get queue as well. I'm not sure why they think I would be happy being in a queue for 90+ min to be able to play for 30 to 60 min.
  9. Bannshee New Member

    I'd feel better if they renamed the server to "WeScrewedUp" at least then I would know I'm attempting to play a on a server with significant issues.

    Since these servers were released to honor the creator of EQ and if this server is a reflection of appreciation it becomes clear that you are simply trashing him by releasing a trashy server.
  10. Sikkun Augur

    Lawyer up and report back!
  11. yepmetoo Abazzagorath

    Good luck with that.
  12. Febb Augur

    What? lol

    These servers need to share! If my server can't have the same availability, then all the other servers need to suffer!
  13. Neuro Elder

    Given the choice between lag and queues, the queues are obviously the correct answer. The former makes the game unplayable for all during prime-time, whereas the latter only makes it unplayable for some.

    However, neither of these is a long-term solution. It's been two weeks, and the queue at 5pm EST is now 101minutes. This isn't the "opening rush" that previous TLPs have had, this shows long-tern need for more capacity.

    Copy the entire Aradune server onto a new machine, Aradune2. Whichever copy you log into first, the other copy gets locked/deleted. If numbers drop, you merge them back together. That's my suggestion.