Crash, crash, crash

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Kaldaur, Jun 11, 2020.

  1. Kaldaur Lorekeeper

    In trying to control the raid window and master loot for our raid tonight, the game decided that this was unacceptable and froze. And because there's no grace timer, I'm now back at a 130 minute queue.

    You have designed a wonderful program. Top notch stuff here.
  2. Xoner Baby Joesph Sayer

    Wait a second. That doesn't sound "top notch" at all! You are lying on the internet sir. Shame on you!
    Malachi and Kaldaur like this.
  3. Adagia New Member

    2 of us waited 2.5 hours in queue. Once online we travelled a bit, then tried to start a new group. Just as I invite someone, my other half exclaims "Oh no!" - game had just poofed. Now back into the same long queue, which is sort of pointless since our game time window will be over by then.

    Granted, I did not enjoy the long zone times, but perhaps there is some compromise between the two that could be made, like medium queue lines and medium zone times?
  4. jeskola pheerie

    Meanwhile on Rizlona:

  5. Arog Augur

    LOL at jeskola. But I think that rainbow is just an illusion, its really a bridge and instead of a pot of gold under it, there's just a troll.
  6. Malachi Augur

    The fallen angel takes many forms.
  7. Xoner Baby Joesph Sayer
