Open the Bazaar

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Jerimeya, May 31, 2020.

  1. HoodenShuklak Augur

    Could just plop 1 aoc looking teleport npc that sends you to bazaar....

    Regardless, ec tunnel is super classic and it doesn't last that long.

    For every tunnel flipper in classic there is probably 2 flippers in bazaar.
  2. RandomStrategy Augur

    They go on the same vendor all other port spells go on. Have you even played a wiz/druid? They're in Freeport.
    Loze likes this.
  3. Loze Elder

    Yes you can. Activate the spires, or put in a translocator.

    I love people that think they have The Knowledge of the Developers. Translocators were added when the boats broke (yet another quality of life improvement that was kept on TLPs). If I were a betting man, I'd wager that each zone has a flag in a database that determines which expansion they're tied to. I'd also put money on it that changing what is probably a 3 or 4 digit code would make a zone accessible in Classic. There are many zonelines in the game that aren't active, but when you try to use them, they punt you to the succor point in the zone with a message saying that you don't meet the requirements to enter. The zones are all there, you just cant use them yet.
  4. oldkracow 9999 Is the Krono Account Limit

    Don't take away my krono minting press.... :oops:
  5. Jhenna_BB Proudly Prestigious Pointed Purveyor of Pincusions

    Enabling the Bazaar would certainly fix the issue that is crashing in EC and remove what it is an annoyance to many selling wares. I just caution that the Krono Overlords would win more in the Bazaar, if that's your main reason to ask for this. You also have Jedi Masters of the Bazaar like myself that are really good at watching markets and know when and for how much to put things out for to maximize profits. It's a fun game within a game for us. I buy and farm things with perspective value that will rise later and sit on them until the time is right. Just imagine how easy it is for the Bots to be even better using their scripts to abuse the bazaar. I would make bazaar toons on most every TLP server to feed my accounts Krono time.

    An added enticement for Darkpaw: Voucher sales would open up for the entirety of a TLP servers cycle.
  6. Accipiter Old Timer

    Both, but I couldn't remember where the Nexus port spells are. ;)
  7. Bailen Augur

    I'm not an IT pro, but I think it'd be pretty difficult to enable certain specific zones and features from an expansion like that.
  8. Accipiter Old Timer

    Not according to the experts here. ;)
    KimchiGoddess and Bailen like this.
  9. Loze Elder

    I guarantee it's all scripting and database stuff. That's why all the emulators have all sorts of weird mobs and NPCs all over the place. They don't have source code, they have scripts that tell the game what to do and how to do it, like adding a vendor that sells epic weapons for plat or putting a giant red skeleton in Field of Bone that gives so much XP that you level 10 times per kill.
  10. Accipiter Old Timer

  11. Bailen Augur

    It would depend on how they implemented these things, but turning on certain features and zones might be a lot more challenging than tweaking some numbers in the database in order to customize mobs and vendors. You're getting into how the games coded when you're talking about features like offline trading in the bazaar.
  12. Healiez Augur

    Again no expert but the reason the bazaar isnt accessable is because its tied to luclin. Right now if you try to zone into say, dragonscale hills it says that expansion isnt active on this server.

    I am wondering if it would be possible or easy to just set bazaar to be a classic zone, which would make the zonelines out not work, and add an npc that translocates you to and from it from say, commons. Similar to how the translocators work in other zones. Again not sure how easy that would be or what it would potentially break if they did do that.

    It has been said by devs in the past that mucking with the older code generally has wierd consequences, ex being that enableing a mob in zone X cause venril sathir to spawn in freeport. (this is a really strange example, but apparently really strange things have happened when messing with the old code)
  13. Loze Elder

    This is from the Wiki, specifically in the SCRIPTING section:

    The Player Teleporter Scripts page gives some examples of how you can move players around in game. Don't forget that there are plenty of examples in the default scripts that were installed with your server, such as the Nexus portals.
    Often server operators would like to teleport users to a specific instance of a zone as well, which would allow you to create raid instances for competing guilds, or create custom dungeon crawls for your players. The sample script includes something called a "Data Bucket", so you may want to read Using Data Buckets to gain some understanding of this flexible, performant system.

    Some talented hackers were able to do it and generally, the people who created the game have better tools and easier methods.
  14. Accipiter Old Timer

    What wiki? You have no idea what you are talking about so you should probably just stop posting. You seem to be referring to 3rd party program scripts.

    FWIW, I have written games with C++ and Lua scripting, C++ and C# scripting, and C++ and XML scripting. I know how it works. Yes, EQ uses both C++ code, scripts, and obviously a database of some sort. That doesn't mean that all changes are just via scripting and don't affect the core engine code. I don't know why I am even bothering to explain this to you.
  15. Loze Elder

    I'm the one beating his head against a wall trying to get some "I'm a programmer" person to stop arguing about something they aren't even bothering to research. I'm talking about the emutator wiki. the forums filtered the abbreviation out. There is also, from the same wiki, a minimum and maximum expansion flag in the SCRIPTS for each zone. Maybe the emulators have it easier (I doubt it), but it sure looks like its a couple of digits to turn on a zone to me.

    It's not source, it's how the game reacts to the source. The assets are all in place, they just need to be turned on and told what to do.
  16. Accipiter Old Timer

    I'm sorry. You are right. I am wrong. Please forgive me.
  17. Shamanagins New Member

    Didn't you (OP) choose TLP for that specific experience? Relax and enjoy it, once they open the Baz you'll miss the commonlands economy.
  18. Healiez Augur

    I have heard this on every TLP and on every TLP I am elated when the bazaar opens.

    Apparently I am one of the few that absolutely hates the "commonlands economy"
  19. KimchiGoddess Augur

    Don't worry everyone, DPG will never do this regardless of how hard or easy it is to implement.
    Loze likes this.
  20. TheChosenOne Augur

    To each their own... i enjoy it for a brief period just for the nostolgia, but the time investment you have to make to sit there reading a spam wall of auctions, with all of the over-inflated prices loses its thrill factor for me pretty quickly.

    It becomes a game within the game, which I'm sure some people enjoy, I've even enjoyed it in the past with this game and the trade system in TF2... but it takes a lot of time and effort to wade thru all of the spam and overinflated prices just to buy something you want at a fair price.

    The bazaar allows people who are out hunting and enjoying the game of Everquest, not Everquest Tycoon, to shop around quickly for stuff they need and find the most competitive price.

    Its silly the spreadsheet Ive had to make and the time ive had to invest just to understand what fair market value is right now... and I was only able to do that because Im teleworking right now with COVID, so Im able to sneak monitoring of this stuff in throughout the day.. no way id be able to keep up on it or manage it if i was back at the office and only had a small window at night to play.. id want to be grouping and doing content, not playing Business Tycoon 2020