Open the Bazaar

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Jerimeya, May 31, 2020.

  1. Jerimeya Journeyman

    Turn on Nexus spires, enable Nexus and Bazaar

    Currently there are 328 people in Commonlands.
    Letting them move to Bazaar and go into offline mode would allow more people to log on and play.

    Among the many complaints about this would be "It wasn't in classic!". There are many things that are currently on TLP that weren't in classic. Among them are Krono and improved group xp. We don't hear many complaints about these or any others.

    If using the nexus as a way to teleport all over Norrath is an issue, disable the spires in the Nexus and limit overworld spires to level 5 and above. This would allow access to the Bazaar and a way out with Origin or a Druid/Wizard.
  2. Muyan New Member

    I for one love that the commonlands player economy is in place, but I did just crash when I walked past the commonlands tunnel... Now I have to wait for 3 more hours to TRY to play.
    Creedmonk likes this.
  3. Tweakfour17 Augur

    Of all the ideas people have thrown out regarding Aradune Queuegate 2020, this one is probably the best and most feasible. Besides the option of do nothing and let the problem sort itself out of course.
  4. Fraggly Augur

    So you want the bazaar auto undercutting bots to come in and take complete control...? Araduners are so confusing.

    The EC active economy is one of the greater parts of the early game history.
  5. Bolten_DA Augur

    Nice suggestion to open up the bazaar! Lets not feed the krono trolls any more than we have to!
  6. Loze Elder

    If offline mode actually does free up the queue, this would be amazing. Why not just put vendor stalls in the tunnel?
    jeskola, minimind and KimchiGoddess like this.
  7. Accipiter Old Timer

    No it isn't. There are many tendrils to these features. It's not as simple as "just open the Bazaar."
  8. HoodenShuklak Augur

    Just launch the next tlp and get it over with.
  9. Loze Elder

    Such as?
  10. Hinastorm86 Augur

    While im no everquest programmer, it's probably possible to enable spires/nexus/bazaar and nothing else from luclin.

    I hate tunnelquest personally. You see alot of people on forums defending tunnelquest, but I suspect it's because the typical active forumer is more likely to be a tunnel flipper.

    I'd rather be playing the game while i'm on, not spamming various chats sitting in a non-combat location. The fact that this is an unpopular opinion, at least on these forums, is pretty baffling to me.

    The luclin start on selo was so amazing. A luclin start with 2 month unlocks would be a dream server for me personally.
    TheChosenOne and Cohhfarmage like this.
  11. Dyzalot Augur

    Opening the bazaar would likely solve the problem because tons of people wouldn't play. The tunnel is a huge part of the nostalgia everyone is looking for.
  12. Accipiter Old Timer

    How are you going to get there? You can use your imagination for the rest.
  13. Hdizzle Augur

    Lol these boards ...

    So we all wanted the "classic everquest experience" with one toon per person, and corpse runs and exp penalties and charm nerf and blah blah blah and now we hate on Tunnel quest?

    Devs should delete all these boards lol
  14. Crazzie Lorekeeper

    EC tunnel should be set as a new zone by itself. This way all players can enjoy leveling in WC
  15. RandomStrategy Augur

    The bots aren't that effective....I've bought a few krono from said bots and very reasonable prices thanks to some quick pricing of krono I put up for sale.
  16. Hinastorm86 Augur

    I never wanted any of that, lol. Well except a common sense charm nerf.
  17. Healiez Augur

    Those bots still exist, just not via bazaar...

    You see that person constantly selling krono for like 50-100p more then what they are actually selling for.

    Another person is constantly buying krono for like 50-100p less then they are actually selling for...

    PRobly the same person/bot...

    The bots still exist, just in a different capacity.

    Also I THINK they could just add a translocator to zones that send you to the bazaar, and one that sends you back. Then disable the zoneouts. They have done similar things before. I am no coder/programmer etc, but similar things have been done.
  18. Loze Elder

    Nexus, homie. Next!

    But a better solution is adding trader stalls to the EC tunnel. This is all assuming that offline traders don't count towards the population.
  19. Loze Elder

    Who wants that? There's so many quality of life improvements in this game, why not a little more? If you want pain, go play P99 and listen to those jokers say, "It's not classic" every time someone requests something. This isn't P99. We have bandolier and hotbar clickies and extended target window and respawns with our gear and HoTT and... Put in some damn trader stalls.
    TheChosenOne and KimchiGoddess like this.
  20. Accipiter Old Timer

    That's exactly the point. You can't just open The Bazaar. You have to open Nexus, too. Do you also provide early access to Nexus port spells for wizards and druids? What vendor do you put them on? I'd go on but you really should be able to think of these things yourself.