Overseer: Agent Counts Incorrect on Quest Tab

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Kinadorm, May 31, 2020.

  1. Kinadorm Augur

    I have noticed that the counters displayed in the "Available Agents" section of the Quests tab is not always accurate. It sometimes lists more agents than you actually have. The Agents tab seems to list the correct agents but it isn't easy to identify duplicates in that list.

    As an example when doing conversion quests last night the Available Agents section showed that I had x5 "Nightrage Decapitator" to select from. As I am converting them the counter decreased by 1 each time making me believe that I still had extra agents available. This was incorrect though as on a conversion when I should have had 2 left it removed the agent it from the list. It turns out that I really had fewer agents than the x5 displayed and now I have zero of that agent remaining after the conversion.

    The counters on the Quest screen need to be fixed so that they always match the true number of agents available.
    Barton likes this.
  2. kdor57 New Member

    I have seen the same effect, however I thought the conversion "ate" the remaining agents, as when I saw this happen I was using the same agent 2 or 3 spots in the conversion. Twice I had 5 listed and both times all 5 were gone after conversion.
    I will watch for the actual count being incorrect from now on. I was down to only needing 1 elite, 2 rare, and 1 unc to get the full set, and because of this I am missing 2 commons again!
    oh well.... thats Everquest :)