Bad Logic

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Xilbus, May 28, 2020.

  1. Xilbus Journeyman

    Just want to point out the insanity of this.
    Right now a large portion of the player base, including myself are sitting around waiting to get past a 1-2 hour login queue.
    That same queue has an idle timeout built into it that kicks you from the server if you go afk for too long.

    Talk about bad design
  2. Dythan Ban Lev in Plane of Fire guy

    How many is large? Only a couple dozen have posted.
  3. Xilbus Journeyman

    No idea? How many accounts trying to get in at once does it take to generate a 2 hour login queue?
    Also, that's not really the point here.
  4. Nordgaren Elder

    I would say the 24 people in the Discord I'm in who went to play on Rizzlona but are going to re-roll Aradune after the weekend is a start. I'm quite sure they're not the only ones, since I doubt those 24 people would make a 2+ hour que.
  5. Adagia New Member

    At least 75 are in the login general chat. The odd thing is that you will timeout while in the queue line, but once in game, you can be afk all you like without being automatically logged off.