Reset All Progress Please

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by CoquiFrog, May 28, 2020.

  1. Leifer1969 New Member

    Perhaps in the next TLP go around we should stagger start times by time zones? Lets say, Euro's get to be first to log onto the next TLP at go time. Three hours later, East Coast can log in, and 3 hours later, Central Time, and so on down the line and logins will be less jammed that way?

    I bet some of you crazy mf'ers would surely find a way to make your login location look like it was coming from France - and if that wasn't possible, you'd take vacation there at launch just to be in the first wave to log in!
  2. ayoforYayoh Augur

    wait.....are we convinced there are multiple guilds clearing PoSky right now?

    OR are we witnessing "grown adults" emotionally fall apart over a congested server....

    your best bet at this point is to deny ever playing an MMO in your life and being genuinely surprised this is how launches go. still very cringy
    TheChosenOne and Yvix like this.
  3. CoquiFrog New Member

    Way to let a "cringy" nerd on the internet that is "emotionally falling apart" have it bro.

    What's next? Stomping puppies?

    You get it boyeeeeee...

    Do your thang man... Throw those easy stones... I see you.
  4. MaestroM Augur

    Source? Everquest may have been in 1999. But this is a TLP. We have anti-boxing rules, we have pickzones, we have AoCs. All of which are designed precisely to minimize or even eliminate competition. Also, I reject both the literal meaning and the idea behind your exaggeration that "everyone in the entire game" wants to do "it". I have zero interest in being first anything. Aside from the 2-3 hardcore guilds, the overwhelming majority of raid guilds here and on other TLPs do not participate in competitive play. Additionally, throughout Everquest's history you can find places where the community came together and agreed on rotations for raid mobs specifically to avoid competition.

    You're thinking of P99.

    Apology accepted.

    My "exist in any official capacity" was a qualification on "the race does not exist". "The race does not exist" is not an accurate statement because there are some players who (i) insist that it does exist and (ii) behave as if it does. To head off the potential "PLAYERS ARE RACING TO 50 AND SOMEONE WILL BE FIRST AND AAUHUHGUHGUHGH" comments that necessarily follow a too-broad statement like "The race does not exist", i chose narrower language meant to communicate that while there are some players who are going to race, DPG has not taken any steps to suggest that this server is intended to be a race server, that the players are expected to race or that there is any prize for "winning".

    Competition in Everquest TLPs is at most an unfortunate mini game that myself and other TLP players have been trying for YEARS to have completely removed. We've been very successful so far, which is an indication that DBG/DPG views its playerbase as not valuing competition highly (there hasn't been a non-AoC TLP in 5 years, and the last ones have picks).
    TheChosenOne likes this.
  5. Pawtato Augur

    I didn't get to log-in. Please reset for me.
  6. PresidentBenFranklin New Member

    Ragefire was a dismal server, was it not? Hardly a shining star for what any business should aim for. Phinny for example was much stronger. A server reset after people took time off work, etc. They would say screw it and wait for the next decent server. THIS is It. This is the time people want to start anew. That is why there is DEMand and Dreamweaver and DPG should respond to it. Resetting now would turn Aradune into a Fippy where you /who all and get 6 people, or go to the bazaars and their were 0 traders and 0 items.
    Not ripping your opinion but The real solution, the ONLY, solution, and the OBVIOUS solution is to open another clone server. That is to respond to demand and DEMAND another server.
  7. Tuioppouy New Member

    Calling someone cringe while posting on an Everquest forum is hilarious. Everyone on this forum is a massive nerd, and if you think in any way you aren’t a prime example of that, then you should probably try some of that growing up.
  8. PresidentBenFranklin New Member

    Paging Dreamweaver are you reading this? Your yearly bonus, job security etc, and EQ lovers are walking out the door. Don't make EQ like walking into a Frys Electronics where they literally have nothing in stock, and you walk out with your money and order online.
  9. datan70 New Member

    What Azzudien said. Gotta love the "1 min" queue to sit for 2 hours and wait for the server crash that starts it all over again. Think my queue time is over 7 hours total not including server crashes and I've never seen a character select screen yet. I don't see rolling it back...but there needs to be something done. I crashed before char select screen (again) and came home to work to see 137 minute queue. If 1 minute equals over 7 hours, I'll play in August I guess.
  10. Yvix New Member

    I do enjoy reading these forums and this post specifically. You must be a hoot at parties.Who tf am I kidding? You don't get invited to parties for this very reason. Good luck in your ventures adventurer!
  11. CoquiFrog New Member

    I don't need to source anything to explain that Everquest is a competitive game. It's just a very obvious fact. I'm not trying to be rude or condescending. Most video games are competitive.

    Cool man, like I said, was my mistake.

    As you'll see in the next reply, what I should have done is requested a clone server, not ask for a reset.

    It's been talked about for years concerning other MMORPGs. Many say the rush to max level is not "the game." Many others disagree and for them, that is "the game." I suppose these aspects are debatable.

    For me, much of the fun involved was going to be starting fresh for the first time in Everquest ever.

    Well, I paid my dollars, and I'm here, but I'm certainly not starting at zero.

    By the time I'm allowed into the game, people will already be level 20+.

    Sucks a lot of the fun right out of it for me.

    I was hoping for an authentic experience.

    I suppose this abysmal launch is the more authentic experience?

    You are absolutely right. On all points. If I could rename my thread I would. I'm new here so if I can, please let me know and correct me.

    No, I greatly appreciate your good contribution to this thread. It is much appreciated.

    I agree. There should be another clone server.

    If there was, I would drop everything to play on it.

    All I ever wanted was to be able to play Everquest from the start of a server. It seems like a very reasonable thing to expect from any paying customer.

    Letting some people get far ahead while 90% of people can't even play is just irresponsible of the company.

    It makes me wonder if they are even gamers themselves.

    I'm guessing more than likely it is a financial, technological, managerial happening.

    The fault must be placed solely on the company though.
  12. CoquiFrog New Member

    Hahaha, that one was much better. I definitely chuckled.

    Nobody really says "a hoot" anymore, but I suppose it is still viable if you want to let everyone know you are old.

    Thanks man. Best of luck to you as well. *tips hat*
  13. ayoforYayoh Augur

    There is so much boomer rage going on. lololololol
  14. CoquiFrog New Member

    The shorter, safer, compressed version. I like it.

    You are a learning computer.

    It follows all aspects of the forum success protocol.

    No doubt your next one will be only four words long, even safer, and with even less intellectual significance, all while illustrating the fact that you are clearly not upset.

    You are king of this forum now. Go tell all your friends while you stare at your Everquest login screen that you paid for.
  15. TheChosenOne Augur

    I totally get the frustration, I sat and waited from 3PM to 12:30AM yesterday and was never able to successfully login, and I lost a character name I wanted because of it.

    Everquest isn't a competitive game, its an MMORPG and this is a nostalgia trip TLP server for people. There is no competition other than a self-created one by a very small minority of hardcore raiding guilds that want to race for OW content.

    There are no leaderboards or scores being kept anywhere, this is not a competitive game so your analogy doesn't work
  16. ayoforYayoh Augur

    Here i am just trying to decipher anything you type. Even kids on twitter are easier to follow.
  17. TheChosenOne Augur

    There are going to be level 50s by the end of the weekend, unless you're one of those neckbeards that plans to play 24 hours a day you would have never beat them to any of those camp spots anyways
  18. ayoforYayoh Augur

  19. CoquiFrog New Member

    Thank you brother. I'm very sorry you lost your character name. :(

    I mean, I just disagree. There is no point in arguing on that. I respect your opinion and see where you come from on that. I just don't hold the same opinion.

    Just pointless hate for the sake of hating. No thanks.

    I guess we'll never know...
  20. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    I am sure they don't want to have to refund all the station store purchases and claims that have been made so far on the server not to mention if any trades involving krono have happened on it.
    Kutsuu likes this.