Warning for Boxing while not boxing on Aradune

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Bobbybick, May 28, 2020.

  1. TLP Addict Augur

  2. TLP Addict Augur

  3. TLP Addict Augur

    Aradune box policing be like...

  4. Ayoheee Augur

    This is why I asked how they intend to enforce their policy, less than 24 hours in with substantial downtime we've already gotten blatant violations--indicating if the enforcement is automated it's easily bypassed and if it's manual it's not thorough enough--and false positives--indicating if the enforcement is automated it's buggy and if it's manual it's being done with little competence.
  5. bucktoof Journeyman

    "salty bads" and you play on TLP servers. the irony is real in this one.
  6. Moforyguy Elder

    I think the GM doesn't even know that the starting area for halflings is Misty Thicket so he thinks LOOK someone made 6 of the same character!!!
    Rebelicious likes this.
  7. TLP Addict Augur

    No it isn't

    You understand irony about as well as the idiots that reported Bobby understand boxing.
  8. Laronk Augur

    I thought the first warning was supposed to be a 1 week suspension, not that I think you should be suspended by a brand new employee who doesn't know how things work. Hopefully the email means more like "hey halfling we got reports that you were boxing we're going to be watching your sneaky no good rear end"

    Also while its dumb you got any email or got a warning hopefully this gets solved.

    It's funny I would actually be willing to work this CS job and I think I could do a good job of it but it'd have to be 100% remote. Who is going to work a low paying job like this in San Deigo or Austin.
    WaitingforMoreEQ likes this.
  9. Chuuk Augur

    6 druids?! That's next level...evacs for dayyyyys.
    Rebelicious likes this.
  10. Dre. Altoholic

    Racism toward Halflings perhaps?
  11. Tucoh Augur

    I'd do it for free a few hours a week if they gave me enough freedom and a GM drakkin character named Karen.
  12. Overcast451 Augur

    Or maybe a Vah Shir named Smudge? :)
  13. jeskola pheerie

    wow. I expected the Dedicated GM temp to be bad, but not THAT bad.
  14. That0neguy Augur

    I reported Bobby for sure. I assume everyone in this thread did as well.
  15. Fightmilk Lorekeeper

    It's hilarious to think that the GM isn't stuck in an endless queue and is actually able to zone without going LD lol
    Rebelicious likes this.
  16. Vaxpo Elder

    I have a feeling we are going to see a lot of these "I wasn't doing anything at all" posts from the krono farmers.
  17. Blastoff Augur

    You would think they would at least have a look at the 6 accounts in question to see if its even possible they all belong to the same person. Absurd to think that someone playing 1 toon can get a warning lol, and here everyone was worried about legit boxers getting nicked.
    TheChosenOne and Rebelicious like this.
  18. Vaxpo Elder

    Don't always believe everything you read on these forums. When people get warned/suspended they always have some "It wasn't me" story they come up with.
    furrykitty and Miss_Jackie like this.
  19. mark Augur

    just dont autofollow people dont nuke or attack at the same time and dont box more then 2 or bot,or play on rizlona your choice.
  20. haaaalp Augur

    Sadly this will happen frequently, especially to streamers / people with "popular" known names. GMs are too lazy to actually check and see if those characters are from the same IP etc. They just assume and believe the troll who's reporting someone for "boxing"

    Pretty pathetic. Aradune could've been great. Epic fail of a start so far.
    Rebelicious likes this.
  21. Gnothappening Augur

    You realize Bobbybick streams on Twitch? Would be real easy to see if he is cheating, you can watch him play ffs.
  22. Komodon Augur


    Half twisted truths will always rule the day when you aren't going to get any specific 1st hand perspective counter view facts from the GM in here.
    furrykitty likes this.