How does the queue work?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Helmut8762, May 27, 2020.

  1. Lejaun Augur

    I got booted (timed out/). Came back and it now says 51 minutes.
  2. Chuuk Augur

    I'm going to keep clicking and see how high the queue timer can go - every 1 minute I click "ok", it goes up 2 minutes!
  3. Ishbu Augur

    Can anyone confirm that waves are being let in past the initial one?
  4. Kronotowin Elder

    They had to up the que times this release to give the Krono resellers a bigger head start
  5. Nakeddave09 New Member

    I've been sitting at estimated time 1m for over an hour.
  6. Adagia New Member

    I don't think it's actually an estimate for how long you will be queued. It says "average wait time", not your wait time. When I started, the average was 1m, now it's 80.

    Because I'm worried about getting timed out, now and then I click the "Play Everquest!" button again, or pop into the chat room and back out. I don't believe either of these actions kicks you to the back of the line, but will keep you from timing out.
  7. Rokkie New Member

    85 min now.
    I have 2 computers running. on one I am leaving it alone and on the other I am hitting "play Everquest"
    lets see which one gets in first..... if any!!!!
  8. fastboy21 Augur

    Pretty clear and sad that the devs don't know the answer. Even sadder if they do in leave steamy pile of design in the game.
  9. Name2 Augur

    This isn't a dev problem, it's a management problem. I can't imagine the devs look forward to TLP launch day when everything goes to hell every time. Some of the devs may have ideas for a fix, but because the problem doesn't ultimately affect sub numbers, management won't allocate resources to fix the issues that show up for a day once a year. It's not worth the investment.
  10. Pyxis New Member

  11. Takk Elder

    I tried basically the same. My first account I originally had at 2m queue and hit try again until it hit 19m then stopped.

    Tried second account. That got over 90 minutes. Was doing some reading and randomly hit retry on the 90 minute one and got in. Server was bugging out and couldn't create a character, but got in.

    The account that was sitting at the 19m prompt for ~an hour? didn't do a thing.

    I think the queue code is broken. I would have thought the person queued for an hour would get in faster than the person randomly clicking.
  12. Helmut8762 New Member

    Prophecy has come true....
    Liandreth likes this.
  13. TheDohn Augur

    It doesn't.
  14. AnonFrog01 Journeyman