Code is hard.

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by ScreentimeInfinity, May 27, 2020.

  1. ScreentimeInfinity Lorekeeper

    This same exact pattern has happened every time they launch a new TLP since Fippy. Since its exactly the same each time, they prolly have this *fix* as the only and best fix option.
    Copy and paste. Crash, fix, crash, fix, etc. Fixing this broken code is prolly akin to cleaning grease traps at a restaurant. Being scathing doesn't help.
  2. Healiez Augur

    Nah every person complaining is a software engineer master coder that could have this fixed in 5 minutes given the opportunity!
  3. Wispur-Aradune New Member

    Well *pushes up glasses* I'll have you know I have none of those qualifications and could do it in 4 minutes.
    Gratz and Batbener like this.
  4. Flea Lorekeeper

    Cleaning grease traps at a restaurant is literally akin to using a vacuum cleaner to suck the top layer of fat off of a pot of soup that you poured a gallon of oil in 3 days ago and let cool (oil/water separators are very much a thing)- But okay.
  5. Gratz New Member

    <cfquery name="duh" datasource="main_staff">
    Select * from dev_staff
    Where "clue" > 0

    *No results returned