The Daybreak Username you entered is unrecognized or does not exist

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by jmfcterribad, May 27, 2020.

  1. jmfcterribad New Member

    I need a PM from someone that can repair my account.

    "The Daybreak Username you entered is unrecognized or does not exist. Please try again."

    which is never a problem when you charge my credit card..
    Thank you.
  2. Atern12 New Member

    i have the same problem on my other account. was fine when i got into aradune before the crash
  3. Lachnar Elder

    Being told my password or account name is invalid, it was not this morning and NOTHING has changed on my end, what is going on and why is my account invalid now?
  4. madrix New Member

    I'm getting this on my main account. I got on long enough to make a character then got booted. Now I can't even sign in here with that account and the change password bit is telling me the username does not exist?!?!
  5. Aradunez New Member

    Same issue
  6. Lachnar Elder

    Bump, until I either know what's going on, can log into my account or someone official responds to the problem =). Guess 1 and 3 are kind of the same thing...
  7. svann Augur

    Well servers are bolluxed atm. Wait till they come up and try again. If problem persists login to another account and petition.
  8. Lachnar Elder

    I don't have another account and I don't think I should have to open another one simply to let them know they've screwed me over. They should openly discuss when things like this happen and clearly let us know what's going on and what's going to happen.
  9. jmfcterribad New Member

    Or, how about you add free game time to this account so I can play right now while my subscription continues to run down on my main account which you have somehow lost...