Take camps of those boxing over three on Aradune.

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by AntiGriefer, May 27, 2020.

  1. Darkdrow25 New Member

    It really isn't rocket science. 2 people nuthugging a third on mobilization is the easiest way to identify boxers. Yeah at a standing camp maybe a little more difficult. Just wait for them to move. And I'm sorry, 21 years of EQ, don't tell me there are 2 people out there that need to /autofollow to get where they need to go.
  2. Dominate Augur

    If we get enough reports into the system, the GM won't catch us cheating. Too busy bustin' illicit activity of EQ guy and his wife!
  3. MileyVyrus Augur

    The real joke, of course, is the people who single box need the /autofollow more and know the zones less. And use the word 'boxers' every time they mean the word 'botters'. It's the automation that ruins eq and deprives content, not the people with multiple paid accounts.
    Gnothappening and Dominate like this.
  4. Dominate Augur

    Heaven forbid you go afk, or auto follow your buddy. Karen is waiting in hiding to jump out and report you.

    Can't wait for the amount of false positive reports that get real, actual, non-automating customers, to quit playing the toxic server.
  5. Dyzalot Augur

    I've been playing since Velious, have never boxed and use auto follow all the time when moving camps so I can pee or get a drink or roll a joint or whatever all the time. Has nothing to do with knowing where you are going and everything to do with freeing up your hands for something else.
    TheChosenOne likes this.
  6. SinnderChant New Member

    Totally, because people never AF to take a bio break or raid the fridge or play with the dog or look something up or just to stretch.

    The reality is, there's little way for us as players to know someone is multi-boxing. And frankly, I don't care who boxes. I care how they behave, regardless of how many toons they're dragging around.

    And then it doesn't matter if it's one person being a pig or 6 people working together to be a horde of pigs.
    TheChosenOne likes this.
  7. Machen New Member

    I've known several players over the years who were quite directionally and movement challenged. One lady cleric that had to have someone to autofollow on raids or she wouldn't get where she needed to be. It's not common but it happens.
  8. Trizek Augur


    You're just assuming that people are breaking the rules and taking it upon yourself to inflict justice?

    Yeah that reminds me of this one time a trio, a Father, a Son, and a family friend assumed this one guy was a burglar and acted upon themselves to apprehend and place justice upon this guy they assumed was doing bad.
    Dingodog likes this.
  9. Dooby dooby doo Elder

    Why are people worried about if they autofollow someone across a zone or a camp? I doubt the GM is going to suspend people based on a 5 minute walk across a zone or to a camp. It won't be difficult for the GM to tell once you get to the camp and start acting like a human being.
  10. WaitingforMoreEQ WaitingforTBC

    I agree, people that do something to stop cheaters are Toxic.
  11. TLP Addict Augur

    I too like to keep my hands free for something else.

    TheChosenOne likes this.
  12. Dyzalot Augur

    Well I'm not going to lie and claim that requires more than one of my hands...
  13. Accipiter Old Timer

    I see you've met my wife.
  14. nagash101 Augur

    you are kidding, i hope, sarcastically saying that a group with a puller is a box group is pretty absurd.
  15. Accipiter Old Timer


    OK, I'll bother to explain it. The whole point of this contrived hypothetical scenario is that the people being accused aren't actually cheating the are just being reported by Karen. Do you get it now?
  16. ScottAdamsFan14 New Member

    I see you've met my wife
  17. nagash101 Augur

    i love my cleric hitting a mob and completely out of mana, i go out of my way to find them like that
  18. Arclyte Augur

    sure pal
  19. nagash101 Augur

    so true, Karen's are worthless in a player base.
  20. Doranur_Aleguzzler Filthy Casualâ„¢

    I have yet to see a box army on Aradune.
    Cantari likes this.