DPG new moto

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Gilihari, May 27, 2020.

  1. Gilihari New Member

  2. Rovellicus New Member

    As they just made another $20,000 in bag sales..

    You're wrong.. they gettin' paid!
  3. Creedmonk Augur

    lol, way more than $20k but stop ruining the guys joke, Karen!
    Batbener likes this.
  4. Dagenfehl Journeyman

    They're gonna do nothing about it, as always, and once this blows over they'll never do anything to prevent it in future launches, as always, because we the players will whine and moan and then as soon as everything is back to normal we'll keep playing, as always, and they're going to continue to make sales, as always.
  5. Rovellicus New Member

    His weak joke deserved to be 'ruined'.

    Batbener likes this.
  6. KimchiGoddess Augur

    Nah we'll still give them our money like we always have ;p
  7. Lejaun Augur

    TLP population: "This is BS ! I'm never doing this again."
    Next launch: "Take my money !!!!!"
    nagash101 and Dagenfehl like this.
  8. nagash101 Augur

    so true...
  9. TLP Addict Augur