Loot - the hard and fast rules

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Vetis, May 14, 2020.

  1. TLP Addict Augur

    NBG is terrible in the early expacs and get's horribly abused by unscrupulous players (of which there are many on TLPs)

    I completely soured on the idea after the umpteenth time of seeing somebody that claimed need on a high value item turn around and sell it in the tunnel as soon as the group broke up.
    HoodenShuklak likes this.
  2. Kutsuu Augur

    If it's a LFG group at a money camp like FBSS, it's only fair that the healers/casters who spend their time there have a chance at the loot too. Not only are they likely to want it for their alt or box, it has a value that translates to other items that they need. It can be different if it's among friends/guildies because you'll help those healers/casters get their GEBs or whatever... but in a pickup group that's not the case at all. You're all there to get loot. Same goes for tanks and melee DPS at efreeti.

    I mean shoot, let's turn this around a little. Maybe the tank is on their 10th FBSS that they sold for a krono and wants everyone to "NBG" it to him so he can get more kronos stacked up. But hey, he can equip the belt and doesn't have one in his inventory, so he 'needs' it.
  3. Dailor Augur

    HoodenShuklak likes this.
  4. Kanuvan Elder

    because everyone needs plat and almost everything is tradeable you technically do need anything that can sell for plat, greed in eq1 is simply reserved for quest and no drop items that have no significant monetary value

    melee will roll need on impskin gloves and spells, casters will roll need on banded belt thats just how it goes so dont be surprised
  5. Laronk Augur

    My fav NBG is always that first monk who gets the first FBSS and sells it because he's not an idiot.
  6. Nolrog Augur

    Either is fine, as long as you know up front. Then if you're that chanter, you can decide to leave if that's not acceptable to you. Or you could stay if you don't care.

    Really not sure why we needed another thread on this topic though. . . .

  7. KegadinIsGod Journeyman

    Start the group. Be the master looter. You get to make the decisions!
  8. HoodenShuklak Augur

    Set all need rolls and if you actually need something... pretend it's old school eq and actually speak up!
  9. Yarteb Elder

    Expect "need all" to be the norm in pick up groups. But don't be too surprised when less expensive items are offered by groupies to classes that can use them. A lot of people are inclined to be nice, just not stupid.
  10. oldkracow 9999 Is the Krono Account Limit

    I always need krono I got mouths to feed and those friends are in-capable of gaining krono at any decent pace. :D

    Need it all.
  11. Sikkun Augur

    And realize if you set rules you can change the rolls of people that happen to forget before the tool gives loot out.
  12. EQDude Elder

    I enjoy the economy of this game, it is and has always been my favorite part.

    Loot is fungible.

    I can farm 3 FBSS and then barter my way into gearing a Shaman rather than going and farming the items individually if I choose to.
    Meredyth likes this.
  13. HoodenShuklak Augur

    Cant wait to NBG that first torpor...

    Can taste those XXL Grilled Stuft Burritos right now.
  14. Meredyth Augur

    EQDude is right. Some people really like the economic trading side of the game and who is to say that they aren’t allowed to play the game the way they enjoy?
  15. EQDude Elder

    No you have to sit at this camp for 12 hours earning zero gear for yourself and looting out FBSS to a constant stream of strangers alts who you will never see again!

    NBG is great when you are playing with friends family guildmates etc. Otherwise just, no. Unless you friendlist me and plan to help me go farm MY loot after, just no.
  16. WokeCat Augur

    I see more drama regarding Need Before Greed and Greed Before Need on Mischief than normal servers. You join a group in Crushbone thinking you don't even care about loot, and are just there for the experiences. 2 minutes later the Orc Trainer spawns with a Glowing Black Stone in hand. Suddenly everyone in the party is a lot more interested in loot rules.
  17. Silver-Crow Augur

    While need on all is the norm in pug groups, guild groups can be a very different experience where loot is given to people who can and will use an item. Obviously in zerg guilds where most people are just a number, this will probably not apply, but my experience of smaller guilds is what goes around comes around and everyone gets what they need much faster and the guild is stronger for it.

    Obviously something to ask when you're checking out guilds.
  18. minimind The Village Idiot

    I always understood "need" to mean "this is an upgrade that I will use right now". Anything else is "greed" even if not literally looted explicitly for sale.