How Are You Going to Keep Aradune and Rizlona Up?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by TrolleyDruid, May 7, 2020.

  1. TrolleyDruid New Member

    DPG servers seem to be crashing almost daily for extended periods of time. How do you plan to deal w/ this instability when it comes to two new servers which we know will at least briefly have a population size many times larger than any present server?

    Previously during TLP launches the mass population logging into relatively few zones all at once created major stability issues, and this was back when DBG / DPG servers were otherwise relatively stable.

    Unless there is a plan to address this, Aradune players should expect a horrible launch night. Best to just try logging in Thursday morning if the server is up by then.
    Aenvar likes this.
  2. Zansobar Augur

  3. Nolrog Augur

    Yeah but then after 4 consecutive hours, they will need an intervention . . . . .
    Foaming likes this.
  4. TLPman Augur

    you must be new around here everyone know not to take the day off work for launch day and or think you are going to be able to play much on that day....
  5. Gremin Augur

    Its all about how lucky and fast you are when spamming login.
  6. Pumpernickel Lorekeeper

    Zone often as this seems to save your character more reliably than any other method. Mangler launch was a mess for ~6 hours.
  7. Gemstoner Elder

    The safest place to start the first day is probably Kelethin, lag won't affect you much there.
  8. CyryllisFenninRo Lorekeeper

    Honestly just wait a couple of days before starting. You have a ton of time to hit 50 and farm plat before kunark.
    Tucoh likes this.
  9. Protagonist Tank

    They aren't dealing with it for the existing servers. Why do you believe that policy will change?
  10. Foaming I Drank Bleach IRL Once

    Expect poor server stability for the first 2 days of launch. It has been that way for most TLP launches.
    Barton likes this.
  11. Barton The Mischievous

    Yup at least 2 days, some were more like 4-7
  12. Tucoh Augur

    I say I'm going to wait a few days to let the servers stabilize, but I'm pretty sure I'm going to smash those servers the second they are up and then whine in discord or whatever when they don't work. At this point it's tradition.
    Barton likes this.
  13. Zargo Journeyman

    Launch day is all about getting those names. As long as I can get online long enough to get my names I'll call launch day a success. Anything past getting your names reserved is expecting too much. lol
    Barton likes this.