Grey screen on log in?!

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Xinge, Apr 21, 2020.

  1. Xinge New Member

    Hello all. I resubed after having a itch to play again. I was on the mangler and tried to zone my necromancer into the bazzar. What happens after is the game got stuck on a loading screen and locked up. So i had to force close the game and when I try to log back in the game goes into "grey" screen and stays on it. I uninstalled and reinstalled and still having the same issues. Verified the game files and everythings there. As of now I have it uninstalled again since its not working.

    As for my PC its not some old toaster. All drivers are up to date and it was built last year with Higher end parts. It plays everything very well. So has anyone else had this issue and have a fix for it? Would be greatly appreciated!
  2. Xinge New Member

    ps... The grey screen happens as i try to log into Mangler.
  3. CatsPaws No response to your post cause your on ignore

  4. Xinge New Member

    With a complete reinstall DX9 was installed. I run the game as admin always and still the grey screen. When it grey screens my resolution looks like it goes down to something HUGE because the server select screen tests gets giant and my cursor is 1-x larger than normal. Then when the server is selected it goes grey with only my cursor on the screen that can be moved. I tend to play with 2550 x 1900 res on a 34" monitor when i play.
  5. Duder Augur

    Able to get a screen capture and post it? If you are on win10, maybe previous versions too, you should be able to use the default snipette tool function keys,( windowskey+shift+s ) to copy any part of your screen that you select directly to your clipboard or you can use the print screen button to capture the whole screen at any time and copy it directly to your clipboard.