Virus threads

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Veteran_BetaTester, Apr 6, 2020.

  1. Veteran_BetaTester PIZZA!

    Why is it when players start a thread for a question, mostly all questions (Not mine I'm perfect) that the players end up insulting each other.
  2. Khat_Nip Meow

    Have you met people?
    Tatanka, Herodotus, Elyssanda and 5 others like this.
  3. Bobbybick Only Banned Twice

    Depends on the question. A lot of them probably belong in The Newbie Zone instead of Vet's Lounge, or it's something that is really easily searchable. The questions that are like "Why arent you releasing/working on XYZ right now?" during the middle of a pandemic where DPG are operating remotely pretty much deserve any vitriol they get, or "suggestion" threads that expect these huge sweeping changes that are pretty much completely unrealistic for DPG's current dev team size.
    Nennius, Beimeith and Duder like this.
  4. Celephane Augur

    HAHA. Thank you for this.
  5. Moege Augur

    Recently , no, have they changed at all ?
    Nennius and Yinla like this.
  6. minimind The Village Idiot

    There are some people who are under the impression that showing social dominance garners respect and that said dominance can be used in absence of facts or objective truth-- even in discussions of opinion where fact or truth are completely absent.

    Similarly, the EQ forums has its own version of the classic "Karen" customer. Assert dominance, speak to power, demand change. These are posters who directly insult the DPG staff or threaten to cancel subscriptions and somehow expect that to result in an improved game.

    In summary, people are jerks on the forums because they are convinced that they themselves are right and those who don't agree with them aren't necessarily in possession of differing facts/experience/insight, but instead are idiots and need to be told as much.
    sauron3030, Celephane and Nennius like this.
  7. Nennius Curmudgeon

  8. forum troll Elder

    finally this thread payed off! what a cute little Kitten!
    GNOME_POWER and Yinla like this.
  9. Vumad Cape Wearer

    Most people's egos are bigger than their knowledge base yet remain very fragile. Compassion towards the abilities and experiences of others is often not considered. This is not limited to EverQuest.
    Windance and Veteran_BetaTester like this.
  10. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    We need more kitten pics!
    GNOME_POWER likes this.
  11. Maedhros High King

    I don't think you guys are giving enough credit to the shear amount of stupid comments or repetitive threads that go on here. How many "lets get this over with", or "this expansion is too hard", or "I want a refund for the $10,000 I spent on Overseer" threads do we freakin need?
    Frankly I think there is a lot of restraint and patience shown here. Bravo.
  12. Veteran_BetaTester PIZZA!

    It seems like if you tell a secrete (a sentence) in the ear to the one on your left.... by the time you hear it repeated back to you from the 20th person on the right, it is totally different.

    People get off topic on players posts and start to add in 'static'.
    It is mostly the outro players do on comments that you see the creativity in their art (insults).