Has anyone EVER seen an ultra rare drop in ST?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Tutankamen, Apr 1, 2020.

  1. Tutankamen Augur

    I've killed 100,000 mobs there- never seen an ultra rare. Has anyone?
  2. Benito EQ player since 2001.

    I went years without an EoK rare drop and ended up getting 1 (Cloak) in Esianti out of all places.

    It's RNG.
  3. Qbert Gallifreyan

    I've never seen one since EoK (and that was only a couple years after it was current when helping someone with a quest). I play/kill . . . a lot, but meh, no big whoop. I'm sure if I'm ever lucky enough to see one when an expansion is current it will probably be one I can't use :p
  4. minimind The Village Idiot

    Yep. I was two-boxing in Lcenium during early TBL just leveling up an alt. I got the 2HB and the priest shield within the same weekend. Haven't seen anything drop since.
  5. Khur Sed New Member

    This are all the chase loot I've gotten since February of 2017 .

    1-Burnt cloak
    2-Blade of defense
    3-Sage's golden mask
    5-Grey cloak
    6-Dizok bow
    8-Sky maul
    9-Burnt Cloak
    10-Skyiron Heater
    11-Iksar's bane
    12-Skyiron Kite
    13-Bard's golden mask
    14-Golden rogue's crescent
    16-golden soldier's belt
    17-golden rogue necklace
    18-guardian's pauldron
    21-Petrified egg
    22-Weaver's Pauldron
    23-Minstel's golden ring
    24-Descending moon idol of brilliance (range TBL)
    25-Tower of sebilis
    26-Swift pauldron
    27-Vital descending moon earring (TBL ear)
    28-Pauldron of the hero
    29-Sage golden ring
    30-soldier's golden stud
    31-Dust cloak
    32-Savy descending moon ring (TBL ring)
    33-Ice Encrusted mask of vigor (ToV chase mask)
    Maedhros likes this.
  6. Flatchy Court Jester

    I have not seen one piece of chase loot this expansion at all. Does it even drop in T1?
  7. Elyssanda Bardbrain

    We had the tendon slicer belt drop in our GD group last week.. was the 3rd or 4th TOV ultra rare I've seen drop since TOV came out.
  8. Celephane Augur

    Yes. I got the priest 2 hander in EW..traded it for the wolf mount
  9. Zevran New Member

    I don't know if it's a bug or intended but collectibles don't drop outside of the main pick in ST, possibly other zones and other items as well, but I've never tested it. My group was inundated with collectibles (about 10 full sets of 3 different series) per 1-2 hours every time we found a spot in an ST main pick these past 2 weeks; absolutely no collectibles dropped outside of the main pick, even after 5+ hours.
  10. Veteran_BetaTester PIZZA!

    NEVER seen one drop.
  11. Tyreel Augur

    Have had the earring drop in Sathir's Tomb since last patch. Maybe about 9 months or so ago had another drop.