Silver Account

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by rtfj121180, Mar 21, 2020.

  1. rtfj121180 Journeyman

    So yesterday, I recovered my account. I logged in it said said I had 4/4 slots available. I just logged out right now after making a paladin, now the top says free account and 2/2 character slots used. And my Sk had up to tier iv merc now I can't get higher than tier 2 merc.
  2. CatsPaws No response to your post cause your on ignore

    Are you using the patcher?

    Run a file verification - on patcher in lower left corner is a cog - click cog and choose check files - it may be on the screen after you chose which account you are logging into

    Some said they had success changing their password but I would avoid that and petition if the above don't clear it

    There is a special flag you can look up on your account to make sure you are Silver
  3. rtfj121180 Journeyman

    Thanks I'll try the Cog what flag?
  4. rtfj121180 Journeyman

    It says all files are up to date
  5. Xianzu_Monk_Tunare Augur

    Typically this is just the game being wonky and possibly losing connection somewhat with the servers. Almost every time, if you completely log out to desktop, being sure that all instances of EQ are closed, then run the Launchpad/patch again, it will all be fixed.
  6. CatsPaws No response to your post cause your on ignore

    It seems you've been having a little flip flop between free and silver. Make sure you camp out each time so this stuff is saved.

    So to see this "flag" you:

    Log in at the DBG home page and then come back here or click this link:

    Then look for "EverQuest Chat Token (formerly Silver Membership)" in the list. If you see it then you are Silver

    If you don't see it then your on the wrong account:)....edit - cause we got you fixed on Silver yesterday lol
    Xianzu_Monk_Tunare likes this.
  7. rtfj121180 Journeyman

    I did all the updates via cog, and re launched thee game now at character select screen it says silver at the top thanks.
  8. Zamiam Augur

    it is a known issue some accounts that are silver will show (Green) F2P . as stated above just log completely out and when you log back in it should be fixed.. as was stated above its a sync issue between the server and your PC/patcher
  9. rtfj121180 Journeyman

    Yea, I've noticed every time I quit the game and log back in I have to update game files and restart the game to get silver status back.