What classes will be the most successful if a Free For All PVP server launches?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Runes, Feb 23, 2020.

  1. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.


    FFA PvP sucks hard

    RvRvR or forget it imho.
  2. Duality Augur

    Bet they bring back best of the best before a pvp tlp!
  3. Fleeting Augur

    With all the nerfs and buffs to melee etc that will take place. Rogue and monk will do extremely well
  4. Tedd New Member

    would be pretty lame without a single viable pvp server
  5. Phased Sullon Zek Lorekeeper

    Just one of those challenging things about PvP servers, I always got put on strong root duty in ssra to help try to stop bards from training our raids. It's been a long time, but I recall something about a bards using Highsun on our raid targets too and resetting them on us.
  6. KegadinIsGod Journeyman

    Necro. Not close.
  7. aGenda New Member

    It's been awhile I played Red99 (and even longer since playing Sullon Zek) but necros were never top PvP. No mobility, their lifetaps and dots take a long time to cast (leaving them vulnerable to interrupts / line of sight dancing, their magic and poison line of dots can be cleared with potions (imagine taking a long time to land a dot only to have it be removed in less time), and never would get credit for kills since targets can gate/zone while dotted and die afterwards, etc.

    Now that was on classic servers....no clue if that equation has changed in TLPs and modern classic everquest?