Darkpaw Games

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by nadain, Feb 12, 2020.

  1. nadain New Member

    So does this mean EQ next is back on the table?
  2. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Please not with the cartoon graphics.
    Aenvar likes this.
  3. feeltheburn Augur

    just stop
  4. Angahran Augur

    Quit trying to split a shrinking population into even more pieces.
    Kaenneth likes this.
  5. svann Augur

    Bring back Vanguard!
  6. Angahran Augur

    Go for it, since it's not an 'EQ' game it won't be funded by EQ.

    There has been so much money taken from EQ to fund pointless new games that ultimately flopped.
    Just imagine if all that money had been reinvested into EQ instead.
    Fanra likes this.
  7. enclee Augur

    It’d be a different demographic. The franchise demographic is dying off, not figuratively but literally.
  8. Risiko Augur

    Spoiler Alert!!!

    The name is EverQuest: The New Beginning.

    It will be an alternate universe of original EverQuest created in a modern engine with a stylized art aesthetic akin to the original art style created by the late fantasy art God, Keith Parkinson.

    Instead of being something "different" than EverQuest, it will be a continuation of the original game starting off in a new Norrath around the same time period as the original 1999 version of the game.

    The lore behind how and why this new beginning came about is the result of the many EverQuest Gods choosing to right the wrong that was made so many years before when mortals were permitted to walk among them in the planar homes of the Gods themselves.

    Ultimately, enough of the Gods came to the decision that the moment teleportation was discovered to the Plane of Knowledge was the instant that began the downfall of their timeline. They worked together to sacrifice themselves in order to cause a rift in time which reset everything back to the day before teleportation to the planes was discovered. One soul was to go back through the rift as the lone survivor of the Gods to insure that the discovery is never made.

    That God was Mithaniel Marr. Unknown to them at the time, Bertoxulous who was vastly against the idea of changing the past had been working with Solusek Ro to foil the plans of the other Gods. At the instant that the rift was opening and Mithaniel Marr was about to step through, he fell to his knees in agony; the poison taking hold that Bertox had given him. Just as Tunare leaps to his aid, realizing what has happened, Solusek Ro alters his spell casting that was supposed to open the rift, and instead directs it squarely at Tunare now crouched over Mithaniel Marr.

    Their plan was working perfectly... except for one small detail; Bristlebane tossed a dagger at just the right time stabbing Solusek Ro in the wrist causing him to again redirect his cast at the appropriate location to open the rift.

    At that moment, in to the great shock of both Bertoxulous and Solusek Ro, Bristlebane leaped through the rift as he exclaimed, "See ya later suckers!"

    Rallos Zek fuming with anger at what had just transpired exclaims, "SON OF A..." and in that instant, the world as all Norrathians know it... ceased to exist.

    A great flash in the southern desert of Ro lit the night sky for a brief moment. A new yet familiar God stepped one furry foot on to the dusty sands feeling the warmth as he wedged his feet back and forth, "I'm home. Let's have some fun!"

    Welcome to a new adventure.... EverQuest: The New Beginning.
  9. AlaskaJay Lorekeeper

    As far as lore for a reboot I've definitely read worse..
  10. Fanra https://everquest.fanra.info

    I like the lore but not the idea of a new EQ. I would prefer they improve the current one.

    As for "So does this mean EQ next is back on the table?", I have to respond with this:

    Nennius likes this.