Spell Drops

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Belkar_OotS, Feb 12, 2020.

  1. Belkar_OotS Augur

    So this may just be me problem since the RNG apparently loathes me. But my spell collection rate has been extremely poor. It has been poor for the last few years for me too but it could be argued I just don't play enough.

    Anyway I would like to lobby for an adjustment. A couple options.
    1. Make rank 2 spells researchable with in-era drops that are not super rare. It would add an immediate benefit for the TS and still requires drops and make the spells more accessible to those of us the game refuses to be nice toward.
    2. Make the names drop more spells at once.
    3. Make random npc drop spells rarely.

    I would say getting enough drops to cover 1 full group with all of their spells from completing Hunter should be a reasonable drop rate. I am over half done with hunters, and I haven't had enough drops to finish any of my characters yet.

    Assuming a group where each class has 5 spells per level for 5 levels for a full group would be 150 drops.

    Then with the number of names
    EW-12, GD-12, Velk-10, Kael-10, CC-4, Rygorr-2, ToFS-13
    For 62 named total, each name should be dropping 2.5 spells roughly.

    Taken in another way, we need nearly as many spells as we need armor drops, and named mobs drop at least 1 visible and 1 non visible item and often an Aug or weapon too.
    Yinla likes this.
  2. sojero One hit wonder

    Farm missions, you get a spell every time. Glowing was the only "rare" one, but that is ok as its the last you need.
    smash likes this.
  3. Morigaine Elder

    Agree with Sojero. Missions are a guaranteed spell every time meaning you can get 4 for 1 hour of time invested (maybe two hours depending on your group). I was able to fully upgrade my box team to rank 2 in about the same time they finished their type 5 currency farming. If you are playing for a longer time then you can chase named while missions on lockout.

    Also I actually found median spells to be the rarest for me (note I fully understand RNG and this is not a theory about drop rates rather personal experience).
  4. Dewey Augur

    Gotta say I would love it if all rank ii spells were tradeskill only. With getting a drop from a named.
    Yinla likes this.
  5. Zamiam Augur

    they really need to add a dislike options .. because this just NO..