What is needed to mass aoe pull successfully?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by New2eq, Feb 25, 2019.

  1. a_librarian Augur

    Even a bard can do it with their PBAE dot songs, maybe with some backup from a cleric or two. The catch here is your pull can easily be stolen by one wizard if they decide they want to
  2. ElKingOfZeBongo New Member

    did massive aoe on ragefire from kunark to luclin, 3 wiz ench bard clr
  3. Dobs Elder

    Reviving an old Post.

    How does 1 chanter lock down mobs? A social macro, if so which?

    Seems riscy with just 1..(?)
  4. Machen New Member

    It's not that complicated, you just rotate several pbae stuns. A little risky yes because you will occasionally get resists, but it is doable.
  5. oldkracow 9999 Is the Krono Account Limit

    Don't even need a puller you can far taunt everything to the group using hacks. :oops:
  6. asdasd1212 Journeyman

    causes chat lag and server crashes as well as being zone disruption and exploitative..

    and it's everyone's favorite smokeable form of xp
  7. asdasd1212 Journeyman

    what is needed to aoe pull successfully is complete disregard for normal players