Legends of Norrath prize packs

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by random_pawn00, Nov 7, 2019.

  1. random_pawn00 Journeyman


    With the changes to the prize packs, is it still possible to get the special items such as Hermit's Hideaway, Orc merc, etc? This post explaining the "super" prize pack Dragonbrood doesn't mention anything about the special items which require pieces from ONE set.

    Do the rare extras come from any of the sets now? Or do you have to guess which prize might contain the rare piece you are looking for since there are THREE sets now? This article on Allakhazam covers the new pack and how it contains items from the #11, #12, #13 sets (and those articles contain the old? information on the rare/special reward).
  2. CatsPaws No response to your post cause your on ignore

    So how it works it that the current prize pack contains 2 random prizes from any of the 3 packs inside that new deck. The decks do change or at least they are supposed to every 3 months but that seems hit or miss.

    And yes some special items are still possible. I have gotten 2 of the hermit's hideaways in the last year or so and I am pretty sure others have also since there have been a few sold in chat. You can tell the difference that they are not original LON since you can sell them as prizes until you open them.

    There are quite a few weapon ornaments prizes that contain the gems as needed for the skeleton merc in the baz all the time. You can see them when you click to look at the description it will say "includes XX and X gem"

    It is totally RNG. You might get 2 weapon ornaments (I have tons of those) or a good prize.

    Both articles you linked basically say the same thing - the new prize decks contains 2 random prizes from any of the 3 packs inside that new deck

    So you can get any prize from any of those packs. Not very good odds.
    random_pawn00 likes this.
  3. random_pawn00 Journeyman

    Right, the odds are slim because 3 sets are merged into one. I am wondering if it was still possible and of course the big question is knowing WHICH set the prize you received came from. They just dump PRIZE 1 and 2 into your inventory, but the item descriptions don't say which of the sets it came from.

    Back when LoN was live, we could at least see the possible loot for a given set. Now, we have nothing to reference except for what information was saved to sites like Alla.

    The glimmer of hope in your post is that the tradeable prize pack will show whether or not a special item is also included.

    Sidenote: since when are Oathbound/other sets Ping packs being thrown into Dragonbrood?
  4. CatsPaws No response to your post cause your on ignore

    Afaik the prize table is still the same. When I have gotten a good one with the current LON packs it was listed as being included in one of the 3 sub packs when I backtracked them.

    For example May 2018 I got a Visage of the Kolbold serf which is from Legends of Norrath #3: Inquisitor and was in the Oathbreaker deck which contained Oathbound, Forsworn and Inquisitor

    In Jan 2019 I got a Visage of Virtik from the Stormbreak pack offer. That one could have been from any of 4 - Storm Break, Travelers, Vengeful Gods, and/or Doom of the Ancient Ones.

    Here is a full list of the lon prizes and the old packs they came in - the ping potions may come from another set that is one of the 3 included. http://everquest.allakhazam.com/db/quest.html?quest=6897

    As to which on that list is in which deck - you would have to read the markeplace description when it comes up.
    Elyssanda and random_pawn00 like this.
  5. random_pawn00 Journeyman

    More than half of the Prizes that dropped do not have a set listed, or have a set that is not part of the Dragonbrood pack. That is what started the wheels to turn on this whole revamping.

    I guess the lesson learned is, don't bother :) . Not even one of the specials were in any of them and it was a bunch of packs. Pretty much impossible to get the 3 items to make a special item.
  6. Sokki Still Won't Buff You!!

    Some of the quest rewards from the LoN events were added to the Prize Packs which can account for items not showing up in a set list. I've gotten prizes like Chalandria's Fang which was a quest reward in LoN and not listed with the set. That link is a good reference for what was included in the sets but it doesn't show the bonus rewards. I really wish DBG would of at least kept the website active or transferred the info onto another site.

    The best bet to try and get the bonus items is to try and buy the rare prize. Most sets had a common, uncommon, and rare prize. I'm not sure exactly which one the hermit's hideaway was from but you can try opening a few packs from which ever set and end up with the common ones. The rare piece is usually pretty pricey since it's rare and wanted, the uncommon one's aren't too bad to find but can still take a while.
  7. Elyssanda Bardbrain

    Yep.. when I get LON card packs.. I look to see which sets are in it, then check the above list to see if something I want is in those packs, if it's not there, I don't get them.
    CatsPaws likes this.