Quality of Life Suggestion for Muramite Proving Grounds

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Dessek, Nov 3, 2019.

  1. Dessek New Member

    This might sound like whining, I acknowledge that, but I know there are more people than I who just despise the layout and labyrinthine nature of MPG. And now with the changes to how picks are done, MPG Trials have become an even bigger headache, especially for the people who get kicked to alt picks away from their main raid force.

    I'd like the Devs to consider making it possible to hail the Projections for the Trials and teleport between the other five. This would solve a lot of the issues and headaches and wouldn't affect anything tangible so far as balance. Would cut down on stragglers, deaths, corpse recoveries in alt picks, being kicked to zone-in, and training.
  2. Aegir Augur

    If you turn your game volume to max while in zone, you can hear the evil laughing of the map designer.
  3. Dythan Ban Lev in Plane of Fire guy

  4. Machen New Member

    It takes less time to just plow.
  5. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.

    Interesting to note that the Layout of MPG vaguely resembles a diagram of the female reproductive system, so it being complex is quite a natural fit for it.

    I always felt it was a great map, the only downside was how far apart the npc's were so that pulling in that zone required selos to make a static camp even remotely worthwhile, roaming the zone was a far more rewarding style of play there.

    Like any zone you spend significant amounts of time in though you learn it well enough that the map is a reference rather than a necessity, a greater variety in textures would have helped a lot in navigating it though, always liked it though as I always felt it had a very "Hellraiser" type feel to it aesthetically.

    When doing Trials I genuinely enjoyed the clearing, my guild would have knights run ahead & gather mobs into clumps & the main raid force catch them up & periodically smash the gathered mobs was good fun, tank groups would "leapfrog" each other to grab aggro on a bunch each, the clearing is as fun or as painful as you make it for yourselves, it's a game, have fun with it, of course having enough bards so everyone has a run-speed boost helps massively, one of the reasons we happily took along our players bard-boxes.

    And yeah if people were late or died on the way & hadn't been dragged by a group member we would CoTH (or summon corpse) them to the raid at the projection & rebuff before going in, really not a big problem with a little planning & common sense used.