Anyway to turn off fullscreen without getting into the game?

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Rujholla, Nov 1, 2019.

  1. Rujholla New Member

    I turned on full screen graphics and played a bit a couple days ago, but now when I log in the game freezes between server selection and character selection. It was doing something similar if I alt tabbed out of the game when in full screen, but it would come back after a second or two. Now however It never starts responding.

    I did a file verification and a reinstall, but it still has the same settings. I tried turning down graphics settings to minimum in the launcher but it still hangs. Any ideas?
  2. Qbert Gallifreyan

    I'm sure there is a way to do it in your files, but if you're getting to server select successfully you can alt+enter there to change modes. Whether or not that's the cause of your problem, I have no idea, but that's a way to change to windowed mode.
  3. Laronk Augur

    I'm not at home right now but it should be in the eqclient.ini file
  4. forbes77 Elder

    try alt + enter/return
  5. Sarkaukar Augur

    Locate in your everquest folder then open with notepad the file eqclient.ini

    WindowedMode=FALSE change to TRUE
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