Hunter achievement window not updating

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by p8aa, Aug 14, 2018.

  1. p8aa Elder

    I have for unknown reason the problem of a EoK named I killed, but this didn't update my hunter achievement window. As I finished all the rest of hunter in EoK, and all the other names updated without problem, I'm stuck with the problem of some windows that cannot update because of one kill bug.
    Doing a petition, I'm told that GM cannot do anything, and that I need for devs to read a /bug report and doing a fix. I did a /bug report, but as this only affects one individual player, this will never work.
    I had friends that had the same problem (not this same mob, but another expansion and another kill), and a GM updated manually the windows for them and this was fixed. But the GM I am in contact doesn't want to do anything.
    My question is that have some of you got this problem, and how has it been fixed ?
    Thanks in advance.
  2. Pigsticker New Member

    I am having the same issue. I have a list of 8 or 9 that I have not gotten credit for. /petition just results in submit a /bug report. Which I am sure just goes straight to the recycle bin. One time was told to delete some files and log back in. That worked for some but not all.
  3. Grove Augur

  4. niente Developer

    What nameds have you killed and not gotten credit for?
    Also, if you kill a named, sometimes the achievement window wont update until you zone, but you can compare achievements with yourself to see if you got credit or not. It's dumb but better than not knowing at all.
  5. Greymantle Augur

    I have had this issue, killed one pop named multiple times. No update, the last time it happened i took snips of the kill messages and body shots. Petitioned and included them. Got back a sorry cannot help please bug in game reply. 3 or 4 hours later it updated. I know as it was the last one i needed in that zone so got the achivment update for the zone.At that point i had zoned multiple times and camped out twice as i was tradeskilling an switching char to get at stuff.
  6. tyrantula Elder

    You can hit the "completed" filter button, then reactivate it. Navigate back to the achievement and it'll be all set.