Raid muhbis non visible questions

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Cicelee, May 22, 2019.

  1. Allayna Augur

    Notice how 10/11 slots I listed don't have luck on them. Gotta gear smarter.
  2. roth Augur

    In another thread, someone claimed that 60 Luck is the start of a new tier. In an older thread, I’d read that Luck tiers operate in 1-10, 11-20, 21-30, etc. levels, meaning that as long as you get 51 Luck, you’re in the top tier. Neither thread had any parsed data to back those ranges up.

    I don’t know which is accurate. But it would make more sense for the second to be accurate, as it would have each tier be exactly 10 points across. And, on the assumption that it is, that means you have 9 points to play with while still remaining in the top tier.

    You rolled a 2 on a cloak? Unlucky you. You’re either 3 points below the max tier ... or you have 6 more points to play with while still remaining in the max tier (assuming you’re planning on being there or are there already).

    Long story short : its not the end of the world.
  3. Lianeb Augur

    The groups or zone are 10 points. They start at 0
    You're going to be hard pressed to find a big difference in 59 and 60 though
  4. roth Augur

    Are you sure? Because I noticed a huge jump in Lucky messages when I went from 0 Luck to 1 Luck (as in, no Lucky flurries crits etc. to having some, an infinite % increase). That implies that the tiers start at 1, not 0. Of course, it could also mean that the first tier is smaller than 10 points, and is only 9 points.
  5. I_Love_My_Bandwidth Mercslayer

    LOL. Imagine getting 5 1 luck items in a row. 5 raid muhbis.

    Why in the world would a raid gear luck system be implemented in this manner is completely beyond me. Sure, it's "luck", but risk v reward in this case is far out of whack. It should be a guaranteed 3-5 luck on ANY raid item that has luck on it.
    Spellfire and Yinla like this.
  6. Lianeb Augur

    If maxing out luck is a priority for you then you are trying to min max your char. If you are min maxing you char, there are only 2 spots to put a raid muhbis that hava a luck value (ear and charm), if luck is of your concern and you didn’t make one of those items you are already wasting a muhbis so what does a low luck number matter.
    Nniki, Allayna and Thoxsel like this.
  7. Thoxsel Djess' Pet Warrior

  8. Ngreth Thergn Developer

    Correct, There *is* a 60, and yes, it is not a huge increase, but it is an increase. It is for that extra "2%" (not's not actually 2%... thats the "saying." as I heard it ) It's that last large effort for a small increase. Think diminishing returns, but less programmatic.

    Yeah, they do start at 1.
    Andarriel, Axxius, kizant and 2 others like this.