Write-ups for TBL raids

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Fian, Apr 4, 2019.

  1. Fian Augur

    Where can I find basic guides on TBL raid mechanics? Most raid guilds hide their strats, so it can be difficult to find even basic information on the raids.
  2. Thrillho Augur

    It's rare to find them while they're still current events, and even rarer to find them while a good portion of the raiding population hasn't beaten the expansion yet.

    Your best bet would be to start a thread for a specific raid. Post what you know about it, what you're having difficulty with, what keeps killing you, your own strats / ideas, raid makeup, etc. You'll get a lot of good quality responses with that.
    Sancus and Nniki like this.
  3. Fian Augur

    To be honest, the public raid forces on Tunare servers haven't even attempted a TBL raid. I was hoping to find something to get them started. From what I have heard, the Plane of Smoke raid is the only one that is not a DPS check for T1? Any details on how that raid works would be appreciated.
  4. Lianeb Augur

    The trial of 3 is not a dps check for the most part but is a challeng e to mange resources.
    There are 2 distinct parts to the raid but each part has to be engaged simultaneously.
    1 part being the tornado island, with the boss on the upper platform with 2 adds that spawn on the bottom that if not kept separated form a bigger nasty, they continually spawn through the event much like the single group trial.
    2nd part is the trial of 3 area, with the 3 mephits again much like the group trial. 1 flurries 1 rampages, 1 AE rampages. There 3 emotes in this area people need to run away for. Theses 3 mobs have to be balanced within 8% I think it is.

    All 4 bosses need to be engaged for the duration of the event or it resets.
    You can do either event (tornado or trial of of 3) independent of each other

    I would think this raid would be pretty challenging for open raids simply for the tanking healing requirements of engaging 4 boss mobs at the same time.
    I can go into more detail if you would like but that is the gist
    Yinla likes this.
  5. CrazyLarth Augur

  6. Fian Augur

    Yes, I would appreciate more details. Open raids can more easily solve tanking issues than dps checks, although it sounds like this will be a more challenging raid than Goro was for RoS.
  7. Mazame Augur


    More then just showing progress it show how many guilds have beaten each raid. With that infomation you can learn a lot about where to start.

    Fight Fire = 23
    Smoke = 20
    PoF = 27

    I would say that the plane of fire raid would be where you would want to start with TBL as over 50% of the raiding guild have down the even.

    The next step would be to Try the event and see what you can learn. Many new event can be fun even if you don't win as you experience them.

    When you get stuck and are having trouble with X part of the raid then come to the forms and post and many people will be willing to help point you in the right direction.

    The problem with doing a full write up is that many things that work for one guild wont work for another because of class make up. each guild does each event a bit different.

    Plan of fire is not a DPS check as much as it is about Control. if you can control Reparm HP then you can control when each event will happen.

    80% Skele spawn ( this is a part where dps helps ) kill the spawner skele and have the adds they spawn kited. once you down the spawner you can then clean up the adds.

    at 50% Snails spawn. I know one guild that takes one down to 20% then takes the 2nd to 20% then balances them to prevent slugs. Another killed kills one then kills slugs then kills 2nd

    at 40% skele again

    at 10% skele again

    their is a few more things like Frogs, emotes and where to tank each mob but again most guilds do it a bit differently so the best way to do them is just try and when stuck ask for help.
  8. SubEffect An Original Lord of Fizzle and Whiff

    That's actually not correct - at least one of the public forces did attempt PoF about two months ago, but we stepped back to finish RoS and some older achievements for dps/healing. We'll be back at it within 1-2 months I'm sure. For us it's a value of time - we need to be sure we're being efficient with it and throwing ourselves at TBL "too early" may not be the best option.
  9. Nniki Augur

    Just go give the events a try. Most events really aren't all that difficult to get the gist of by just going in and trying some general things. It can even be fun to figure out the event itself.

    - Read what the raid request and trigger NPCs say
    - Take note of where NPCs are positioned before the event even begins
    - Take note of where NPCs are positioned after the event begins
    - Check for rampage and AE rampage
    - Take note of any aura/particle effects placed around the environment and what happens if a player or an NPC enters/exits them
    - Move NPCs and see if they're tethered to a certain area, rooted in place, etc.
    - Watch track throughout the event
    - Check for NPC going immune to damage (count add spawns, check target position, etc)
    - Track timing and health percentage of add spawns
    - Pay attention to event time and the health percentage of the target to see if anything correlates to certain percentages or duration (adds, spells, emotes, NPC despawn, movement, NPC activation, etc.)
    - Watch where NPCs spawn throughout the event
    - Look for context clues... watch for emotes and read what they say... see if they name a player
    - See which actions or NPC spells line up with emotes (take note of target rings, check if someone casted a certain spell type to trigger an emote, etc.)
    - Check the timing of emotes (via log file or even possible with chat timestamps in game now)
    - Test all forms of CC and debuffs (root, snare, charm, mez, slow, creature type etc.)
    - Check if any forms of damage (weapon types, spell types, ae vs. single) do more or less
    - Look at buffs NPCs cast on themselves, read their description, and look up what they do in a spell parser (some NPCs might have effects that specify they take more/less of a certain type of damage)
    - Look up all spells cast by NPCs in the event on a spell parser (e.g. raidloot, eqresource) and check target types, whether they're viral, and what they do
    - If you're taking spell damage and it has certain text associated with it, search for that spell text to find the spell associated with it
    - Pay attention to what happens in group missions, as there is usually a few raids that are similar

    That's the kind of stuff people do when they try to figure out events.
    Sancus likes this.
  10. Arraden Augur

    Smoke is about resource management and ensuring you are controlling two raid encounters at the same time.

    It is important to have balanced and high DPS to ensure you get the raid done quickly.
    Your healer's mana will be impacted the longer you take.
    Yinla likes this.
  11. Fian Augur

    Thanks for this information. I am also looking for emotes and what to do. I.E. this emote means run away from raid.