Strategy of Fight Fire

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Slamg, Mar 29, 2019.

  1. Slamg New Member

    As my last post mentioned, after getting some valueable feedbacks from the community, our guild finally beat General Reparm. Thank you all for the helping!

    Now we can't find any information on Internet about the raid Fight Fire, so can anyone share a bit with us please? Reply in this thread or PM here both works, thanks a lot fellas!
    Yinla likes this.
  2. Slamg New Member

    Hello, anyone could help please?;)
  3. Bigstomp Augur

    Make the boss dead before your raid is dead. Get Phat loots!

    For more serious comments. Many of the initial trash are mezzable, use that to your advantage and clean them up when needed - yell loudly at people who break that mez when they aren't supposed to.

    Get the add waves sorted so you don't insta-wipe, the rest of the event is pretty straight forward.
  4. Slamg New Member

    Thank you sir. Well, could you tell me which trash is mezzable please? Inferno flare or jopal soldier or the flameling? /bow
  5. Brohg Augur

    Bite of Tash AA. Color Congruence spell. Beam of Slumber AA - read the logs. Any enchanter worth their salt can test any/every mob's CC vulnerabilities in -- 5sec not 3 since Tash AA was nerfed, but still - fast. Ditto shm with malo+Spiritual Rebuke. Tackling all new raids includes this step. If your raiders haven't already let you know what works on what, then they need to learn that habit ASAP.
  6. Cicelee Augur

    I apologize if this comes across rude (not the intent), but when trash gets pulled to your raid your enchanters can cast AOE mez and read their logs in game (or out) to answer that question.

    Sometimes some questions can be found through discovery and not necessarily be hand held by others...
  7. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Inferno - Mezable
    Flameling - Charmable
    Jopal - Mana drain.

    Good luck.
  8. Slamg New Member

    Thank you Yinla
  9. I_Love_My_Bandwidth Mercslayer

    Hi. This may come off rude, so brace yourself.

    But why aren't you simply attempting to run the raids and find these things out for yourself? Why are you asking for help every time you visit a new raid? It's not difficult to get feedback from your utility classes. Bards/Chanters...Did mez work? No? Yes? High resist? Pallies...did stuns work? Rangers...did root work? Puntable? What effects were cast? Who cast them? Look up the spells on Lucy. Create your GINA triggers. Try the raid again.

    I say this with all respect - Do your own homework. It will actually work out better for your raid force. What works for one guild/raid with 4 Enchanters may not work out so well for another with 6 Paladins. Your raid force has unique strengths. Finding your own path is not only more personally rewarding, it's usually better.
    Havanap likes this.
  10. Dewey Augur

    When you say things like, "This may come off rude." Or "I say this with all respect"

    That just means... If I could insult you more I would,but I can't...

  11. gotwar Gotcharms

    Except don't do this, because Lucy is ... well, Lucy.

    EQR spell data for raw output. Raidloot standalone parser or just the website for quick look ups.
  12. I_Love_My_Bandwidth Mercslayer

    Perhaps for the cynics.

    I have no shortage of acerbic wit. Antiseptic stings sometimes, they say.
  13. yepmetoo Abazzagorath

    Adds up at the start in three directions.

    Mix of jopal (they mana drain, but are stunnable, kill first), infernos (mezzable, they ae hard, kill last one at a time), and flamelings (just tank/kill).

    One set of adds activates at a time, there is a timer. Kill them all quick you will wait, don't kill them fast enough and they will activate on top of the others.

    The infernos will ae as soon as they get in range. Hence, you need to mez asap before they get to you (rogue traps for initial mez), as if two-three ae at once it can one shot the raid. Can keep casters/healers out of the way.

    Once adds are dead, get two bosses spawn at the same time on opposite ends. Kill the fire elemental first. Both will spawn one add at a time in the same order. The fire elemental will jump to the other one, just run it back, don't tank them on top of each other.

    Kill those, another named pops. Kill it, more adds will pop one at a time throughout.

    Another named pops, this one mana drains, casters can avoid drain by standing out of line of sight, think adds spawn 1 at a time from this too.

    Final boss spawns, has 2 main AEs, on different recast timers, best to kill before the timers sync up and hit you with both at the same time, if you can't, deal with it (glyph spray and geomantra etc right before then). Spawns waves of 3? adds at a time. Off tank/cc those (get the infernos out of there so ae damage from zerkers don't break). That's it.
    Samwen likes this.
  14. svann Augur

    I said in our last run I would thro you off the island if you break mez.
    and I did
    Yinla likes this.
  15. Bigstomp Augur

    I seem to recall you jumping off.....
  16. Kolani Augur

    I think you added an extra named here.
  17. Smokezz The Bane Crew

    You have an extra named in there. :)

    Phase 1) Waves of adds.
    Phase 2) Two Bosses with adds
    Phase 3) Single boss that you kill, no adds.
    Phase 4) Final boss with adds.
  18. BadPallyGuildLeader Augur

    I bet it was a zerker that broke mezz :D They probably didn't care either.

    In all seriousness people asked for CC to be more relevant in raids....and erm, well. It is...just try stuff and work it out.
  19. Natal Augur

    No, what is rude is asking for strats without actually trying the event yourself. Life doesn't come with an easy button, and neither does the game.

    What the OP should have said was something along the lines of "we tried doing X but Y happened, any suggestions how to avoid that? Or how we could improve our performance?". Instead he said "tell us how to beat the raid now that it is our next target, so we don't need to waste time figuring it out" (in essence). One approach will engender respect, the other will not.
    I_Love_My_Bandwidth likes this.