Soloing as Bst. Mana Regen issues.

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Foxpaws Dragonlover, Mar 29, 2019.

  1. Foxpaws Dragonlover Lorekeeper

    Just hit like 27 on my Bst in only a couple of days. Which is great. I'm gonna miss the 50% xp event bonus come monday.
    Anyway, the problem I've come across is that while I have zero issue regening health (Iskar with the druid clicky stick) I am suffering greatly regen'ing mana. After putting the full line of buffs on me, my scaled pupper, and a merc, I end up having to med for like 5mins wasting precious buff timers. And then there's the massive drain to be using the slow, 2 dots, and the nuke in combat plus the little short use AC/Dmg buff.
    Time between combats is getting longer and longer.
    Is there any item/clicky or perhaps some type of drink I can get to speed up the mana regen?
    I dont mind the level grind, but the waiting around part is killing me.
  2. Qbert Gallifreyan

    If buffing is such a drain, you may want to get a cheap mount. As long as you're in out-of-combat regen, it takes about 3 minutes to med from zero mana to full. If you're buffing while mounted, and in out-of-combat regen . . . you'll be regenning quickly while you buff, thus negating a lot of your down time.
    Yendar likes this.
  3. Yendar Augur

    There are clarity potions on the alchemy merchant, do you already have enchanter buffs? They won’t stack. A mana stone works in old world zones if you wanted to continue leveling there but they’re probably rather pricey.
  4. Foxpaws Dragonlover Lorekeeper

    No enchanter buffs, Just my own stuff. So I was hoping to find something with oldschool MP5 type things or something. I guess I'll have to look at alchemy
    As for mount, I did /claim the free one, but he doesn't work indoors.
  5. Thash Zoner

    Efficiency is key. At 27, only the strongest mobs will need to be slowed. Dots/nukes aren't needed that much. If the med time is going to be longer than the time saved in battle, and you're not at risk of dying, just skip them and melee with your pet. Heal as required.

    Also.. no idea from reading this what server you might be on, or whether group/solo/molo. Those will affect your available options greatly.
  6. Dahaman Augur

    Quick Answer: Don't cast all of those spells on every mob. If you are having to do so, then target mobs a couple of levels lower. Let the pet do more damage per mob.

    Use Damage Shield and Mana Regen potions. Things will die very quickly without spells for damage.

    You never mentioned your server, so I'm assuming a live server. Upgrade to Ornate Defiant equipment and turn off pet taunt. Tank it all for the pet. Get the best weapons you can afford as you level.
  7. Foxpaws Dragonlover Lorekeeper

    Xegony server. Solo. (I dont know what molo is). It's just me, the pet, and a melee merc.
    Im currently in Simple defiant with the equivalent 1hb. And buying accessory slots from the guy in PoK. Most of the time I end up tanking without even trying unless the pet gets his proc buff to trigger multiple times. Which is fine, 1hb + shield and all my buffs, it takes a lot for something to actually beat me down. I've only died once and that was to a boss golem in the familiar quest from the elf next to PoK bank.
    I would love to find a better weapon but unlike the old days, most twink items with no level requirement are either super expensive or underpowered. I'll end up having to find a new defiant weapon every 10 levels or so.
  8. Tatanka Joe Schmo

    Full med from 0 to full with OOC bonus is under 3 minutes, so if it's taking 5, you're doing something wrong.

    molo - means you and your merc.
  9. Dahaman Augur

    Look at the Hero's Journey quest line. Follow these quests to good upgrades. Drop the merc and solo as much as you can, which will be a ton. You will out level the quests for a while on Xegony. That's okay, just kill the light blue mobs quickly and quest away.
  10. Foxpaws Dragonlover Lorekeeper

    I am perhaps exagerating, but it's far longer than I'd like. I just hoped there was some wearable MP5 or clicky I could track down to speed up the process so I can get back to bonking thing with my stick.
  11. Foxpaws Dragonlover Lorekeeper

    What's wrong with the merc?
  12. Qbert Gallifreyan

    If you can survive without it and without exacerbating your down time, you will level faster in the context provided. That said, tank mercenaries can essentially powerlevel you up to the mid-50s or a little bit beyond. Their regeneration is ridiculous until that point.
  13. Yendar Augur

    The vendor In pok sells the clarity potions. They are level appropriate but will help. Distillate of Clarity
  14. Yendar Augur

    Merc is eating half your exp, so if he isn’t doing more damage than you, it’s not worth it to have it up when exp’ing. Now if you are just trying to farm items, kill phs, kill bosses, or quest use the merc to help.
  15. Foxpaws Dragonlover Lorekeeper

    Holy crap, half? Seriously? It's hard to tell if he's helping burn through mobs fast enough to warrant that cost yet. I guess I need to get a dps meter to see. I am questing, but so far the quests have been 'Kill for X items'. Granted I'm able to pound through yellow and white mobs with little issue atm.
  16. Tatanka Joe Schmo

    Well, it's a second group member, so is it really that surprising?

    Also, it's not quite half, since there is an XP bonus for having more group members. There is a 20% bonus for having a second member, and that, cut in half, is 60%. So, if you're killing at 1.66 times the rate with the merc, it's worth keeping around.
  17. Mazame Augur

    I will be home around 6 pm MST. send me a tell tonight and I will get you taken care of.