S.O.S EQ Newbie on Selo, seeking guidance!

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by Theobear, Mar 20, 2019.

  1. Theobear New Member

    Where do I find active groups to level?
    Level 18 Iksar Necromancer.
    My only account, or "box" I guess.
    Looking for groups, but the nearby zones don't seem very populated.

    If anyone wanted to help me, a list of **active** zones for leveling in the level order I should be visiting them would be super helpful, I have yet to find any good resources to this end.

    All tips are welcome, thanks for taking the time.
    Fallfyres likes this.
  2. Kiroc65 New Member

    Fallfyres likes this.
  3. Nykara2 Elder

    Mangler might be better for a new player! Slower xp but also much slower expansion unlocks and also a more casual / less hard core community overall which is a better environment to learn in! So far there are groups at all levels everywhere you go
  4. Fluid Augur

    YMMV: People are absolutely nuts about Estate of Unrest at that level last time I ran a character on a Progression Server. Hella long run but it may be worth it for you.