Whirlygig Flyer

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by grupus, Mar 13, 2019.

  1. grupus New Member

    Anyone know when this will be made available again in dragonscale hills ?
  2. Lianeb Augur

    Saturday the 16th
  3. Travestii Elder

    Coming soon to a server near you, the mount with The Most Obnoxious Sound Effect in EQ.
    Slippry likes this.
  4. Cadira Augur

    People play with sound?
    Daedly, gotwar and Rorce like this.
  5. Metanis Bad Company

    I don't use the patcher except when I'm forced to. But after running the patcher that one time a month I delete the following files to eliminate the whirlygig noise...


    I actually have it scripted in a CMD file I run after every patch. Of course then you need to start the game using IS.....exe or your own custom -patchme shortcut.

    Or just turn off the sound!
  6. Goodn Augur

    Unfortunately for you, the Mech Guardian was the 12th anniversary and is grouped with the AV Legacy events on the /calendar in game. This means you will not see it until April 12th (ends May 11th).

    Interestingly, the patch seems to have broken the AV Modern part of the /calendar for now...I guess they are trying not to give anything away... ?
    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.