Status on phini

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Craized, Mar 8, 2019.

  1. Craized Lorekeeper

    So, phini went down about a half hour ago. It’s the only server that’s down, so I’m guessing it’s some technical issue

    But it would be nice to get some sort of word regards when it’s liable to be back up.
  2. Machentoo Augur

    It's almost midnight PST on a Friday night. No one at DBG will even be aware it is down for two more days. Certainly no one that is able to post an update to the forums.
  3. Craized Lorekeeper

    I seriously doubt that. There may not be a full shift in, but there will almost certainly be someone there over the weekend.
    The fact that the server is now locked, rather than down attests to that.
  4. Targin Journeyman

    You still won't get a response though, at best it'll be back up in 15 mins and oh who ever knew it went down.
  5. Craized Lorekeeper

    You’re probably right. I’m just annoyed because I’ve woken up at half five on a Saturday morning with nothing better to do but play eq, and now it’s gone down lol
  6. sumnayin2 Augur

    I am intrigued by this "half five"
  7. Xyroff-cazic. Director of Sarcasm

    Means he woke up at 2 and a half o' clock, isn't that obvious?
    Craized and getlostgreg like this.
  8. Nolrog Augur

    That's correct. They monitor the servers 24/7 from a big data center and know immediately when a server is in trouble.
  9. Accipiter Old Timer

    It's how Brits say "5:30". ;)