[Mangler] All Out War EST Raiding

Discussion in 'Guild Recruitment' started by Innate, Feb 20, 2019.

  1. Jadefox Augur

    Good Morning East Coast!
    If ya find a few minutes to spare and are thinking about rolling on Mangler, come by and have a chat.

    --Jade has a slot for you!
  2. Innate Elder

    AoW Raid Days and Times

    Tues and Friday 8pm EST
    Sunday 6pm EST
    Thurs possible additions
    Gorgol the Ogre likes this.
  3. Jadefox Augur

    Good morning, East Coast!
    Check out the raid times and days in the post above.
    And we're always looking for main played clerics.

    If you'd like to help keep the good times (and the raid) alive, come check out our website and hang out in our Discord.

    --Jade could use a rez.
    Koshk likes this.
  4. Xent New Member

    Im on the forum but need to hop in Disc! (Vildail)

    Already 45+ mains, 8 static groups formed and more forming.

    google docs shared, raid times dialed in, we are the most hardcore casual raid guild you will find =P
    Gorgol the Ogre, Jadefox and Sulle like this.
  5. Jadefox Augur

  6. Innate Elder

    AoW Raid Days and Times

    Tues and Friday 8pm EST
    Sunday 6pm EST
    Thurs possible additions
  7. Jadefox Augur


    About two weeks to go, and the madness never ends.

    If you're still looking for a place to call home on Mangler, come by and check us out!

    For raiding, we are closed for Warrior mains, and Monk mains are getting near to closing.
    Maining a Cleric gets you a VIP backstage pass to meet the stars (and keep them alive).

    For non-raiding, come join us anyway, and enjoy what will be the best TLP experience yet with the most awesome guild you can find.

    --Jade is mad for the 16th
    Gorgol the Ogre likes this.
  8. Mazikeel Darkangel Journeyman

    Wizards! We also need wizards!

    And for closed classes or close to closed - we realize that not everyone who joins us now may not all log in and get tagged, or we may have a lot of changes. So, if you want to play one of those classes you may find there's a spot when the server launches and things settle down.
    Jadefox likes this.
  9. Innate Elder

    Come and join us if you are still looking for a raiding home.
    Tues / Fri - 8pm EST
    Sunday - 6pm EST
    Thurs 8pm EST - Non DKP raid
  10. Jadefox Augur

  11. Senadwen New Member

    How are y’all looking on enchanters?
  12. Xent New Member

  13. Jadefox Augur

    OMG! We're down to single digits now!!

    Being in single digits makes counting down to Mangler's launch (somewhat) bearable.
    However, if your group consists of a single digit (between 1 and 6 as we're box friendly), y'all should come join us at <All Out War>.

    Check us out here:

    --There is only one Jade